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Had an error, 1016-can't open file: Who's on line.MYI'

Told my techs, there resolve was to reload a previous tape, then they fix the problem in who's on line table, reloaded a newer tape cause the cart changes and full product line were missing, they lost over a 1,000 products, I still have images loaded, no products to go with them,

(images don't show) any ideas what happened if they can't solve it. :evil:

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Do to server upgrades ... many hosting sites that are php v4.3 resulted in damage to the whois_online table.


All that needed to be done to fix this was to delete the table and recreate it. And, your hosting site needed to fix the update error that caused this.


Hopefully, there is another backup of your database to put things back together.


A search on whois_online should bring up a number of threads on this.


A search on Jim Barry, my hosting guru, should bring up the fix to the original error caused by the server updates.

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NO such luck, when they reloaded the last and most recent tape, it do NOT bring up the lost products, My cd is broke so I did not have a copy

I'll try the seach and hope I find an answer.


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