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IP logging in admin when orders are placed

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This contribution was put together based on the code from 3 different people. It is fairly straightforward and easy to install.


What this does is display the customer's IP address in the footer of every page they visit. Also you will be creating a new field in the orders table where the IP will be stored. Once installed you will be able to go to any order in your admin and view directly on that order the IP address that order was placed from. We all know this doesn't make it much easier to hunt down fraud, but seeing the IP may act as some kind of deterent to your average Joe who is thinking about ripping you off. Also it may come in handy to see where orders are being placed from. For me this is useful becasue I am selling intangible goods. the correct billing address will be required, but there will be no shipping address required. This will allow me to track the IP using the link provided below. I can then have a general idea of where the order is originating from.






I will try and answer any functionality questions you may have to the best of my ability.


IP tracker:





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Sorry for any confusion...here are more detailed instructions of how to add the feild "customer_ip_address" to the table "orders" for those not familiar with phpMyAdmin.


-Using phpMyAdmin you want to choose the table "orders" from the list of tables on the left of the screen that should show up once you log into your database.


-Once you have clicked on "orders" all of the fields within that table will show up in a list on the right, along with some tabs at the top of this list. To insert the new field click on the "insert" tab. This will display an editable list of the feilds in your "orders" table.


-Go to the bottom of this list, choose the radio button labled "Go back to previous page" and click "go"


-This will take you back to your feild listing for the table "orders". Go to the bottom of this page and next to where it says "Add new feild: 1 At End of Table" click "go".


-Here you will enter "customer_ip_address" underneath feild. Choose VARCHAR as the type and "15" as the length/values. Leave everything else as it is and click save. This has created the feild "customer_ip_address" in the table "orders".



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