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The e-commerce.

Hosting Problems


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I know this is a question no doubt asked many times before but can someone out there recommend a good, inexpensive host for our site.


I am currently using Artery Planet, $20.00 month, 3gb space, 40gb bandwidth, and a recommendation that the guy that runs it is really helpful. Well they have managed to loose, yes loose my site, well at least the last 2 weeks work anyway. They moved the site without telling me first to a new server and when I complained, I was told to move on, which I will do! :cry:


Before that I was with a host charging $5.00 per 25mb, but boy were they reliable, so they should be at those prices.


So can someone please help me? I need at least 3gb of space to host two conected sites and lots of bandwidth (don't we all) for a resonable price.

Or is this all just wishful thinking...?


Thanks in advance for everyones advice.

If only this thing would do what I mean and not what I say!

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:oops: Sorry folks if I sounded like I was venting my anger outloud - I am really not that hard to please. I certainly don't hold anyone who recommended my current provider responsible for any problems. I could just do with some one relating some of their good and bad experiences so I can make a choice from there on in.


If the problems can be satisfactorily resolved with my current host I may well stay with them, but right now I am frustrated, tired and angry that our site has been down for 48 hours and the end does not yet seem to be in sight.


Has any one any advise - I could really do with some.



If only this thing would do what I mean and not what I say!

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I don't work for Wyenet or own stock in them so I thought it was OK.


If it's against the rules to help people find a better hosting company so they can get osCommerce working then I think the rules need to change.

In olden times the men were made of iron and the ships were made of wood; now it's the other way around. :wink:

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Thanks orchard I will take a look at them, I wasn't trying to get anybody into trouble, just resolve my problems and I do not know where else to turn.



If only this thing would do what I mean and not what I say!

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I don't work for Wyenet or own stock in them so I thought it was OK.


If it's against the rules to help people find a better hosting company so they can get osCommerce working then I think the rules need to change.


You have been on these forums long enough to know better.... this issue has been discussed at great length......

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The rules won't be changing :)


If someone asks for hosting advice on these forums then they should state that they wish answers by pm or email.


As pointed out there are many webhosting forums out there


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Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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