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The e-commerce.

Check out my online store let me know what you think


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What do you all think of my fully functional online store: http://www.PressStartVideoGames.com


It's nothing spectacular but it's a change, the only thing I need to change are the default buttons. If you see anything you like, go ahead and order, and it'll be shipped out to ya promptly. :mrgreen:


By the way, how do I change the color for the area with the information different than the outside border background?


Thank You.

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Looks good.


I did notice a typo though. In your product descriptions it says:


"All games, systems, and peripherals are cleaned, tested, and guarenteed to work."


Guaranteed is spelled wrong :(


Good job though.

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Not to shabby, but I would do the following:


1 Even out your InfoBoxes, theres a ton more on your column_left than column_right


2 Languages + Currencies InfoBoxes are kind of useless if you only offer English/USD.


I like it though


Take it easy,


- Gian

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Good, comments and ideas just what I wanted. :mrgreen:


As for the boxes, I dunno how to get rid of the language/currency boxes... as for guaranteed... there's no way i'm going over 50+ items again to change it. :(


Thanks for the "non-cartoon" images idea.

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Good, comments and ideas just what I wanted. :mrgreen:


As for the boxes, I dunno how to get rid of the language/currency boxes... as for guaranteed... there's no way i'm going over 50+ items again to change it. :(


Thanks for the "non-cartoon" images idea.


HAHA :lol:


To reomve the boxes - just 1 file edit - phew!!


In catalog/includes/column_right.php:


 if (substr(basename($PHP_SELF), 0, 8) != 'checkout') {

   include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'languages.php');

   include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'currencies.php');


Replace With:

//  if (substr(basename($PHP_SELF), 0, 8) != 'checkout') {

//    include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'languages.php');

//    include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'currencies.php');

// }


That should do the trick :P



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