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Missing Info


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When testing my account_history_info page, the following headers appear, but their info does not show up:

  • Order Date

Delivery Address

Billing Address

Payment Method


The info does appear on the account_history page, however.


I have installed the following contributions recently, which I think may have some relation to the problem: order tracking, random order number, and print invoice from account history page.


I am especially suspicious of order tracking, because ... when my Process Update e-mails do not include the tracking number, and the links in those e-mails are relative ( /catalog/etc.php), not universal (http://www.etc.com/).


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.




:shock: What have I done?!

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Meaning "replying to oneself" :lol:


I have completely UNinstalled the tracking contribution, but the information is still missing. Also, the 1st e-mail sent upon making an order has a complete link; the e-mail sent upon updating the order to "Has been sent" status still has a partial URL.

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