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Authorize/SIM Method Upgrade : No Payment Method?


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I've been banging my head trying to understand this upgrade to the SIM method through Authorize.net. I've downloaded the snapshot/files for the SIM Method upgrade, and updated the files that I thought were needed to be updated, adjusted Authorize.net settings where they needed to be adjusted. But so far, this is speculative since I can't figure out if it's worked or not. So, I set my OSCommerce to test mode, place an order and go to check out; but I get no means of payment ... and thus no way of testing to see if it works! I even turned off test mode in the Admin; and the same thing happens; no payment method to choose from.




Any help would be great.


I'm beyond frustrated with this, and I don't want to start over as I've customized this thing so much, but I'm ready to give up. I'm sure even after I figure this out, I'll get stuck again ... ugh. Thanks.



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Please some one help!!!

I have no clue what else to do. I've read 50 posts, going through this SIM process; why in the world when I update the authorizenet.php files, when I go to the site; place an order and go to Check Out (checkout_payment.php - a file what wasn't changed at all!) why is there NO option for a payment?!?!


this is the site:



Please please help, this needs to work so they can take orders!

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if you have downloaded a recent snapshot from which to extract the authorizenet.php files then you will have problems.


The current payment modules are written to a different checkout process, and won't work on older snapshots.


Do you know what date your snapshot is?

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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As I siad this depends on how old your snapshot is. From my understanding of that contribution, it is based on a post November snapshot and therefore uses the new checkout process.


If you have a pre-November snapshot, it won't work.

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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The rest of my OSC site is about a year old, and it's only be customized and updated, not from any snapshots; so it's old (Pre-November). What can I do to make that Payment Method work, update the payment module?

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One of my concerns is that I had paid someone to do some customizing to the shipping module of the site - because they are flat rates (no options) on various products, also dependent on if you're in the US or not ... so I'm worried about updating too much and loosing those elements of funcationality.

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A year old is making life difficult. One important benchmark, is whether your snapshot includes the order class (about april 2002)


To test, look in includes/classes for order.php


If you do have the order class installed, have you considered using the ADC Direct contribution. There is a version for old checkout systems

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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I do not have order.php in the includes/classes.


What is involved in doing ADC ... what process on both ends (Authorize.net and OSC) do I need to follow - are they any good tutorials? I have went through all the transaction key stuff (Receipt URL, Response Relay, etc). Is the ADC for older OSC versions?

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Not having the order class really does make things very difficult. ADC Direct is the most secure and up to date method of sending transactions to Authorize.net.


I mentioned it, because it has a version for pre-november 2002 checkouts. However, it uses the order class to populate the details that it sends to authorize.net.


You really have a couple of choices I suppose. Upgrade your osCommerce install. Probably not feasible if you have made customisation and the problems related to upgrading database(unless you are using v2.1 in which case database upgrade is automatic)


Or find someone to reverse engineer a current authorize.net payment module for your snapshot. This may not be too difficult if you use the sim method and follow the changes made in CVS.

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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Is there a way I can find out if I'm using V2.1 ? I'm looking all over the admin area of the site, but not finding a version.


I'm willing to pay anyone who is up to reverse engineering to get this working, the client wants it done yesterday (of course), it's a non-profit, but I'll pay a reasonable fee to fix this up. Obviously it's not as easy as just uploading orders.php ... I'd guess that woudl affect the shipping module, and the admin side of the site, etc ... oh boy. Are you per chance offering your services ? :D :wink:

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Are you per chance offering your services


unfortunately no :( far to busy at the moment.


Although I should say that you could contact any member of the core team, who may be willing quote for the work.


Too see if you are using 2.1 just take a look at the headers of any of the source files to see what version it mentions. Or post the version number of includes/modules/payments/authorizenet.php here.


I'll try and take a look at the current core module to see how easy it is to retrofit.

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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Actually, asking for the authorizenet.php version was probably a bad idea on my part, as you have replaced it with the most current version.


Which file did you get v1.7 from?

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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