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The e-commerce.

user shopping list


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is there a way or could somthing be made so that users who shop your site regularly can create a shopping list. i have a supplement site and people generally buy the same products. rather than making them go through the site and reselect what they want i would like to make it so they can shop off of their list. plus add new products if they want. i think it would make it a much easier shop for them.

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I thinks definitely this is something useful. My shop could benefit from this as well, and it should be easy to develop.


I will probably develop something like this and submit to contributions. Should be something like 'Favorites' list, only futher integrated with items being ordered....


Probably best is to ask during checkout whether to create optional 'Shopping List' based on the order. Then there should also be an add to shopping list option somewhere and a way to view and reorder from shopping list.


Any other ideas how it should look?


Anyone seen a contribution like this out there?

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Might make it like products_listing but with Jeff's Multiple Products with Attibutes but base that on a customers_products_favorites table.


This let's multiple selection of favorites be added ... easy selection ... etc.

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i've got this one also on my TODO list, will look into this next days



We all need to learn it once, how hard it may seem when you look at it, also you will master it someday ;)

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