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Adding Shipping Address Telephone number


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Hi all,


I need to add the telephone number of addressee to the packlist as this is a requirement from the courier company we're working with.


I already added the field delivery_telephone to the orders table and have added entry_telephone field to the address_book table.


I got the address book files changed so I can add/edit a persons telephone number and the same for the checkout_*_address files. So I can now add the telephone number during checkout. I can see it is being added to the address_book table, but it's not being added to the orders table.


Not sure where to have a look now. Anyone able to give me any directions on where to have a look next?

Specificaly I'm trying to find in which file the insert statement is located for the order entry.

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Thanks for that. I did the search, but had no luck with it.


Maybe I wasn't very clear what I'm looking for. I'm not looking for the telephone number of the customer/member, but for the telephone number of the addressee/reciever.

The addressee (taken from the members address book) doesn't have a telephone number standard, but I changed that in the address_book table and have made sure members can add a telephone number into their address book entries. It's stored correctly by using both the "address book" edit function in My Account and also works fine when adding an address during checkout.


What I'm having trouble with is getting the telephone number into the orders table when placing the order.


Do you know if the whole order is inserted at once at the end of the order confirmation or is it done in steps during the checkout process?


Basically I'm not sure in which file the INSERT sql statement is done for the order. If I find that I might be able to work it out.

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You might take a look at: /includes/classes/order.php


You will see several sections that pull the information that will be added to the final order files.


The easiest way to do this is find a field from the same table and duplicate the method used.

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As you said it was the /includes/classes/order.php file where I had to look. I already had changed every thing as it should be there. At least that is what I thought, but I had made a few copy/paste mistakes and thats why it didn't insert the phone number in the orders table. Must have been cause I was working on it at 3.30am the other day :roll:


Thanks for your help Linda!

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