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The e-commerce.

Order Number


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How can I start an order number at something other then "1"


e.g (see below)


Velocity Systems


Order Number: 1 <----- I want to start the numbers @ 10101

Detailed Invoice: http://www.velocitysystems.ca/catalog/acco....php?order_id=1

Date Ordered: Saturday 19 April, 2003




1 x Pro800turbo Internet Security Appliance () = $629.00


Sub-Total: $629.00

Flat Rate (Best Way): $5.00

Total: $634.00


Delivery Address


Velocity Systems

Ian Cope


Billing Address


Velocity Systems

Ian Cope




Payment Method


Credit Card

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If you are talking about a one-time change, and you want all order numbers to continue in order after this change, then yes:


1) access your MySQL database


2) run the following query:


update orders set orders_id=10101 where orders_id=1;


If you do not know how to access your MySQL database, I can help, but need to know whether you have telnet access to your server.[/b]

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Okay Tony, you are all fixed up. Remember, don't delete order 10100 until you have another order in the system, or your number scheme will revert back to the old numbers. When order 10101 is in the system, you can safely delete test order 10100.

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