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tar Files???


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I wanted to download the contribution for shipping methods 2.4 and what I got was a .tar file?


The other contributions that I've downloaded were zip files which I just right-clicked the zipped folder and selected "Extract All" which creates an unzipped version of the folder and contains all the files I need to review and upload.


So can I not do something similar with this .tar file? When I click on it, my PC doesn't know what to open the file with. Is there a zip version of this contribution?


And how do you Normally process a .tar file? I thought you did that with Linux commands right on the server-side or something????





PS: Remember I'm a Windows person. Just getting into Linux/Apache etc. :?

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tar files are zipped files that you should be able unzip with WinZip. Java and Linux programmers seem to like tar files instead of zip files.

In olden times the men were made of iron and the ships were made of wood; now it's the other way around. :wink:

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