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The e-commerce.

new to oscommerce......a little help please?


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I am trying to create an order form that reads like this:



Store Name






Shipping Address



Credit Card Holders Name

(As Shown on Card)



Credit Card Holders Phone Number




Credit Card Number




Credit Card Expiration Date







Unit Price




Total Price



Requested Delivery Date


Actual Shipping Charges will appear on the Notice of Shipment and Receipt Document





I cant find where I can create this. It seems osCommerce only has the 3 modules for an order form. Am I missing where I can make this?


Thank You.


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authorization code will be put in by the owner of the site. I am doing the site for him & creating the order form. Can i create an order form that has all those details I mentioned with a box by or below them for a buyer to fill out?

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the joy of php and opensource is that you can do pretty much anything you want


there is a contribution that puts order on hold until the admin verified the customer - also since all incoming orders can be set to 'pending' which means that until the admin goes in and ships the order, it is not processed


there is also the question of how you are going to be processing payments

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but what I am asking is where do I do all this..........in html you write it together in tables with a box under each heading that the customer can fill out........I am not sure where to go to do this here. once I get the order form done I can deal with processing payments. I just cant figure how to get together what I need.....new to php as well if you didnt figure that out LOL

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we were all new to php when we started here.... don't feel bad - when i started using this cart 2 yrs ago i could write php to save my life....


if you want the admin to enter the authorization code then it sounds like you want to modify the orders.php page in the admin since the customer is not the one to enter that code

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here is a page from the site I am building......http://www.marketsystemsltd.com/MediumBaler.htm


at the bottom after the photo & description is the order form I need to create. I was just going to use a mailing program but the webdomain admin told me the credit card info would be unsecure & suggested I use osCommerce.


Can you look at that oprder form & clue me in on how & where I need to create that in osCommerce? Is it in the order.php?


I am very very lost......

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i am a little lost as to why you (they) want an order form on each product page instead of using the normal checkout method since all the final authorization for an order occurs in the admin section.....


plus doing the way you are you would need the entire site running under https which is going to slow it down painfully...

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this is for a government website....i assume they will be adding the authorization number before submitting the order. I dont want the order form at the bottom of each page. I want to create exactly what you saw on that page I linked to you... in osCommerce's shopping cart and I dont know how. Once I can create that exact form in osCommerce, I would delete the form from each page and add a link button......but I dont know how to create that form in osCommerce. That's where I am completely lost.

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then it sounds like you want to combine info from the standard order forms and remove any info you don't need, add the info you do need, and just do from there.


you should be able to add thumbnail graphics for the product on the checkout page and shopping cart pages, and then modify the checkout_payment.php page (and its associated modules) to alter the info, etc.


just be a little patient and you should be able to get the jist of php fairly quickly

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Im still lost.......i only see 3 modules and hardly any editting allowed to them.....do I actually go into checkout_payment.php to rewrite it to fit the look of my order form? I do have Dreamweaver 4, can this bring up a php so I can edit it?

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well see thats the thing, I dont know where to start. Do I create this is the checkout_payment.php or where? how do I get the exact form I have into oscommerce's shopping cart i have Dreamweaver 4......can I paste a php in there and alter it?


very lost


is there an easier way we can communicate besides this forum?

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unfortunately since php code is interpreted during execution you cannot see the 'result' of the code in dreamweaver, only the php markers..


if you study the checkout process you will see that







are the files used by the customer


in looking at the code, wherever you see <include xxxxxxx> that is simply a php call that adds the specified module into the file at execution, so for example in the default.php file the line of code <?php require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'column_left.php'); ?> tells php to add the code from the column_left.php file located in the catalog/includes/ folder at execution - its helps you modularize your code instead of having big ass code files


it takes a little practice and patience to pick up the basics, but again it sounds you really only need to modify the checkout_payment form to add a new field in the form for the authorization code (and of course that would mean adding a new field to the database (mysql) to retain that information, and then you would want to show that field in the order listing in the admin, and that means.......


starting to get the idea?

adds the column_left.php file :wink:

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