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Help with adding an image to the .css file...


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I want to change the back ground for an info box to that of an image file. How would I go about doing this? Here is the code I tried to use but it doesnt work ::

.infoBox {

 background: #ffffff;


.infoBoxContents {

 background: "http://www.frenik.com/rep/catalog/images/boxes/background.gif";

 font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

 font-size: 10px;



*If you have any suggestions please dont hessitate*

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This should work

.infoBoxContents {

 background: url(http://www.frenik.com/rep/catalog/images/boxes/background.gif) no-repeat;

 font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

 font-size: 10px;


This may also work (depends on where your .css file is)

background: url(images/boxes/background.gif) no-repeat;

Perdure - Transparent Object Relational Persistence
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Thank you for your prompt response to my problem.. I just have one more question... view my web site... you will see that I got it to work on a couple of my boxes' *havent finished doing the rest yet* but how do I get rid of that white box that is around my contents in the info box?

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I went to your 'Future 3D' site....great job on creating new boxes!


What snapshot of OSC do you have?


Can post the code that allows you to update the boxes?


Is it the same as previously posted in this thread?

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Thank you for the compliment btw. And hey I have a post you could check out, it tells you *in my words* how to do what I did to the info' boxes, You can PM, E-mail, AIM, YAHOO, or ICQ me if you need help with this. *searching for the contribution for the infobox thing right now*


But untill I find it, here is the post to check out.



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Thank you for the compliment btw. And hey I have a post you could check out, it tells you *in my words* how to do what I did to the info' boxes, You can PM, E-mail, AIM, YAHOO, or ICQ me if you need help with this. *searching for the contribution for the infobox thing right now*


But untill I find it, here is the post to check out.



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Thank you for the compliment btw. And hey I have a post you could check out, it tells you *in my words* how to do what I did to the info' boxes, You can PM, E-mail, AIM, YAHOO, or ICQ me if you need help with this. *searching for the contribution for the infobox thing right now*


But untill I find it, here is the post to check out.



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Hey Santacruz;


I took a look at your site, but didn't see what you were referring to about the white boxes or images. But did you notice that all your info boxes don't have any headings in them? Just thought I'd mention it.



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