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The e-commerce.

Anyone used PHPEclipse for OSC before


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  • 2 months later...

I just installed and started using it recently. What is your experience?


I prefer it far more than VI... :lol:


I haven't tried using it's debugger yet, I have a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) setup, and don't want to go through all the trouble of setting up my Windows development box.



John Croson

Technology Operations Manager

Racine Art Museum

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  • 7 months later...

:( I have tried to get PHPEclipse to debug. The plugin appears to install correctly in Eclipse, but I can't get it to stop at the breakpoints, which pretty much kills any debugging capability.


There is another eclipse plugin from xored software - www.xored.com that I've also tried. I had pretty much the same problem.


I'm at my wits end trying to get a debugger to work with oscommerce. I've tried every one that I could find, maguma, zend, etc. I don't think it's the debuggers. I think it's me.


If anyone out there has had a good experience with a debugger that will step through the entire oscommerce site, please let me know which one you use so I'll know where to focus my energies.


I will post this as a separate topic also, since the answers may not concern PHPEclipse.

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