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Strange admin behavior after using SSL


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I switched my admin setup to use SSL about a week ago and everything seems to work after playing with the paths a little.


I've noticed a little strange behavior now. The file manager keep going back to the root directory or the directory I have my store in so I can't use it to edit files on line anymore. For example from the root I click catalog and it shows the catalog directory then when I click admin it goes back to the root directory.


Also, the who's online using SSL is often not the same as the who's online using http. They are similar, but with a line missing.


Since my paths are not the same for http and https, (/www/arbucklechurch/catalog vs /arbucklechurch/catalog) I just switch all of the servers and paths in the admin configure.php to use https. The only downside is that when I click on Online Catalog I go to the store using https, but that's OK with me.

In olden times the men were made of iron and the ships were made of wood; now it's the other way around. :wink:

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I found the solution to this problem.


In IE, go to Tools->Internet Options->Advanced and check "Do not save encrypted pages to disk" in the Security section. Then clear the browser's cache and the problem disappears.

In olden times the men were made of iron and the ships were made of wood; now it's the other way around. :wink:

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