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getting mad


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i am trying to install contribution "must read agreement" works fine for some languages but in italian i get this error:


Parse error: parse error in /home/billy-baroo/tienda/catalog/includes/languages/italian.php on line 156


acc to instructions, this part have to be added to italian.php file and only translated:

// Agreement to conditions

define('CONDITION_AGREEMENT', '<center><b>I read the <a href="conditions.php" target="_blank">conditions of use</a> and I agree to them</b>');

define('ERROR_NO_CONDITIONS', 'Pleaser read our conditions of use and agree to them. If you do not so, your order will not be processed.');


if i translate i get the above error and if i take the english version without translating into italian it works perfect????


example for translation:

// Agreement to conditions

define('CONDITION_AGREEMENT', '<center><b>Ho letto le <a href="conditions.php" target="_blank">condizioni di uso</a> e gli sono d'accordo</b>');

define('ERROR_NO_CONDITIONS', 'Per favore ha leggeto le nostre condizioni di uso ed essergli d'accordo. Se lei fa non cos?, il suo ordine non sar? elaborato.');


somebody knows a solution. thanks tom

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I'm trying to install in English and just can't get it to work right. It either goes directly to paypal if you don't check or loops back to payment info page. Can you give me insight on how you got yours to work?



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