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The e-commerce.

Can't send email when a customer take a order!


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My OS can't send email when a customer take a order.


I have put my email in:

Configuration >> My store >> E-mail address, E-mail from

and a different email in: >> Send extra order emails


then I have put in:

Configuration >> E-mail options >>

E-mail transport method: smtp (Sendmail don't function at all)

Send E-mails: true


the unique result is: one email to the address located in "Send extra order emails"! And not all the times!


It could depend from my server?

I have installed italian module and maybe it could depend from it?

Please, anybody can help me?

Thanx in advance

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Maybe I have undestand, but I'm not an expert of PHP.


In the server info I've seen:


PHP Version: 4.3.0 (Zend: 1.3.0)

sendmail_from: [email protected]

sendmail_path: no value


What should I change? And HOW can I cange it? What should I have to ask to my provider?

Thaxs in advance

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