driven22 Posted July 19, 2018 Posted July 19, 2018 I have a problem with banner manager (admin side) in osc BS. Disapear edit, delete, etc (osc.png) In normal version 2.3.4 is everything is ok (osc2.png). My banner_manager.php is standard- no mods. How to fix it ? Where is the problem ? <?php /* $Id$ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions Copyright (c) 2018 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License */ require('includes/application_top.php'); $action = (isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : ''); $banner_extension = tep_banner_image_extension(); if (tep_not_null($action)) { switch ($action) { case 'setflag': if ( ($_GET['flag'] == '0') || ($_GET['flag'] == '1') ) { tep_set_banner_status($_GET['bID'], $_GET['flag']); $messageStack->add_session(SUCCESS_BANNER_STATUS_UPDATED, 'success'); } else { $messageStack->add_session(ERROR_UNKNOWN_STATUS_FLAG, 'error'); } tep_redirect(tep_href_link('banner_manager.php', 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&bID=' . $_GET['bID'])); break; case 'insert': case 'update': if (isset($_POST['banners_id'])) $banners_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['banners_id']); $banners_title = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['banners_title']); $banners_url = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['banners_url']); $new_banners_group = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['new_banners_group']); $banners_group = (empty($new_banners_group)) ? tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['banners_group']) : $new_banners_group; $banners_html_text = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['banners_html_text']); $banners_image_local = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['banners_image_local']); $banners_image_target = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['banners_image_target']); $db_image_location = ''; $expires_date = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['expires_date']); $expires_impressions = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['expires_impressions']); $date_scheduled = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['date_scheduled']); $banner_error = false; if (empty($banners_title)) { $messageStack->add(ERROR_BANNER_TITLE_REQUIRED, 'error'); $banner_error = true; } if (empty($banners_group)) { $messageStack->add(ERROR_BANNER_GROUP_REQUIRED, 'error'); $banner_error = true; } if (empty($banners_html_text)) { if (empty($banners_image_local)) { $banners_image = new upload('banners_image'); $banners_image->set_destination(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES . $banners_image_target); if ( ($banners_image->parse() == false) || ($banners_image->save() == false) ) { $banner_error = true; } } } if ($banner_error == false) { $db_image_location = (tep_not_null($banners_image_local)) ? $banners_image_local : $banners_image_target . $banners_image->filename; $sql_data_array = array('banners_title' => $banners_title, 'banners_url' => $banners_url, 'banners_image' => $db_image_location, 'banners_group' => $banners_group, 'banners_html_text' => $banners_html_text, 'expires_date' => 'null', 'expires_impressions' => 0, 'date_scheduled' => 'null'); if ($action == 'insert') { $insert_sql_data = array('date_added' => 'now()', 'status' => '1'); $sql_data_array = array_merge($sql_data_array, $insert_sql_data); tep_db_perform(TABLE_BANNERS, $sql_data_array); $banners_id = tep_db_insert_id(); $messageStack->add_session(SUCCESS_BANNER_INSERTED, 'success'); } elseif ($action == 'update') { tep_db_perform(TABLE_BANNERS, $sql_data_array, 'update', "banners_id = '" . (int)$banners_id . "'"); $messageStack->add_session(SUCCESS_BANNER_UPDATED, 'success'); } if (tep_not_null($expires_date)) { $expires_date = substr($expires_date, 0, 4) . substr($expires_date, 5, 2) . substr($expires_date, 8, 2); tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_BANNERS . " set expires_date = '" . tep_db_input($expires_date) . "', expires_impressions = null where banners_id = '" . (int)$banners_id . "'"); } elseif (tep_not_null($expires_impressions)) { tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_BANNERS . " set expires_impressions = '" . tep_db_input($expires_impressions) . "', expires_date = null where banners_id = '" . (int)$banners_id . "'"); } if (tep_not_null($date_scheduled)) { $date_scheduled = substr($date_scheduled, 0, 4) . substr($date_scheduled, 5, 2) . substr($date_scheduled, 8, 2); tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_BANNERS . " set status = '0', date_scheduled = '" . tep_db_input($date_scheduled) . "' where banners_id = '" . (int)$banners_id . "'"); } tep_redirect(tep_href_link('banner_manager.php', (isset($_GET['page']) ? 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&' : '') . 'bID=' . $banners_id)); } else { $action = 'new'; } break; case 'deleteconfirm': $banners_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['bID']); if (isset($_POST['delete_image']) && ($_POST['delete_image'] == 'on')) { $banner_query = tep_db_query("select banners_image from " . TABLE_BANNERS . " where banners_id = '" . (int)$banners_id . "'"); $banner = tep_db_fetch_array($banner_query); if (is_file(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES . $banner['banners_image'])) { if (tep_is_writable(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES . $banner['banners_image'])) { unlink(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES . $banner['banners_image']); } else { $messageStack->add_session(ERROR_IMAGE_IS_NOT_WRITEABLE, 'error'); } } else { $messageStack->add_session(ERROR_IMAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, 'error'); } } tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_BANNERS . " where banners_id = '" . (int)$banners_id . "'"); tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_BANNERS_HISTORY . " where banners_id = '" . (int)$banners_id . "'"); if (function_exists('imagecreate') && tep_not_null($banner_extension)) { if (is_file('images/graphs/banner_infobox-' . $banners_id . '.' . $banner_extension)) { if (tep_is_writable('images/graphs/banner_infobox-' . $banners_id . '.' . $banner_extension)) { unlink('images/graphs/banner_infobox-' . $banners_id . '.' . $banner_extension); } } if (is_file('images/graphs/banner_yearly-' . $banners_id . '.' . $banner_extension)) { if (tep_is_writable('images/graphs/banner_yearly-' . $banners_id . '.' . $banner_extension)) { unlink('images/graphs/banner_yearly-' . $banners_id . '.' . $banner_extension); } } if (is_file('images/graphs/banner_monthly-' . $banners_id . '.' . $banner_extension)) { if (tep_is_writable('images/graphs/banner_monthly-' . $banners_id . '.' . $banner_extension)) { unlink('images/graphs/banner_monthly-' . $banners_id . '.' . $banner_extension); } } if (is_file('images/graphs/banner_daily-' . $banners_id . '.' . $banner_extension)) { if (tep_is_writable('images/graphs/banner_daily-' . $banners_id . '.' . $banner_extension)) { unlink('images/graphs/banner_daily-' . $banners_id . '.' . $banner_extension); } } } $messageStack->add_session(SUCCESS_BANNER_REMOVED, 'success'); tep_redirect(tep_href_link('banner_manager.php', 'page=' . $_GET['page'])); break; } } // check if the graphs directory exists $dir_ok = false; if (function_exists('imagecreate') && tep_not_null($banner_extension)) { if (is_dir('images/graphs')) { if (tep_is_writable('images/graphs')) { $dir_ok = true; } else { $messageStack->add(ERROR_GRAPHS_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITEABLE, 'error'); } } else { $messageStack->add(ERROR_GRAPHS_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST, 'error'); } } require('includes/template_top.php'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- function popupImageWindow(url) {,'popupImageWindow','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,width=100,height=100,screenX=150,screenY=150,top=150,left=150') } //--></script> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="pageHeading"><?php echo HEADING_TITLE; ?></td> <td class="pageHeading" align="right"><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', HEADING_IMAGE_WIDTH, HEADING_IMAGE_HEIGHT); ?></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <?php if ($action == 'new') { $form_action = 'insert'; $parameters = array('expires_date' => '', 'date_scheduled' => '', 'banners_title' => '', 'banners_url' => '', 'banners_group' => '', 'banners_image' => '', 'banners_html_text' => '', 'expires_impressions' => ''); $bInfo = new objectInfo($parameters); if (isset($_GET['bID'])) { $form_action = 'update'; $bID = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['bID']); $banner_query = tep_db_query("select banners_title, banners_url, banners_image, banners_group, banners_html_text, status, date_format(date_scheduled, '%Y/%m/%d') as date_scheduled, date_format(expires_date, '%Y/%m/%d') as expires_date, expires_impressions, date_status_change from " . TABLE_BANNERS . " where banners_id = '" . (int)$bID . "'"); $banner = tep_db_fetch_array($banner_query); $bInfo->objectInfo($banner); } elseif (tep_not_null($_POST)) { $bInfo->objectInfo($_POST); } $groups_array = array(); $groups_query = tep_db_query("select distinct banners_group from " . TABLE_BANNERS . " order by banners_group"); while ($groups = tep_db_fetch_array($groups_query)) { $groups_array[] = array('id' => $groups['banners_group'], 'text' => $groups['banners_group']); } ?> <tr> <td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '1', '10'); ?></td> </tr> <tr><?php echo tep_draw_form('new_banner', 'banner_manager.php', (isset($_GET['page']) ? 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&' : '') . 'action=' . $form_action, 'post', 'enctype="multipart/form-data"'); if ($form_action == 'update') echo tep_draw_hidden_field('banners_id', $bID); ?> <td><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td class="main"><?php echo TEXT_BANNERS_TITLE; ?></td> <td class="main"><?php echo tep_draw_input_field('banners_title', $bInfo->banners_title, '', true); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="main"><?php echo TEXT_BANNERS_URL; ?></td> <td class="main"><?php echo tep_draw_input_field('banners_url', $bInfo->banners_url); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="main" valign="top"><?php echo TEXT_BANNERS_GROUP; ?></td> <td class="main"><?php echo tep_draw_pull_down_menu('banners_group', $groups_array, $bInfo->banners_group) . TEXT_BANNERS_NEW_GROUP . '<br />' . tep_draw_input_field('new_banners_group', '', '', ((sizeof($groups_array) > 0) ? false : true)); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '1', '10'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="main" valign="top"><?php echo TEXT_BANNERS_IMAGE; ?></td> <td class="main"><?php echo tep_draw_file_field('banners_image') . ' ' . TEXT_BANNERS_IMAGE_LOCAL . '<br />' . DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES . tep_draw_input_field('banners_image_local', (isset($bInfo->banners_image) ? $bInfo->banners_image : '')); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '1', '10'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="main"><?php echo TEXT_BANNERS_IMAGE_TARGET; ?></td> <td class="main"><?php echo DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES . tep_draw_input_field('banners_image_target'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '1', '10'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" class="main"><?php echo TEXT_BANNERS_HTML_TEXT; ?></td> <td class="main"><?php echo tep_draw_textarea_field('banners_html_text', 'soft', '60', '5', $bInfo->banners_html_text); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '1', '10'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="main"><?php echo TEXT_BANNERS_SCHEDULED_AT; ?></td> <td class="main"><?php echo tep_draw_input_field('date_scheduled', $bInfo->date_scheduled, 'id="date_scheduled"') . ' <small>(YYYY-MM-DD)</small>'; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '1', '10'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" class="main"><?php echo TEXT_BANNERS_EXPIRES_ON; ?></td> <td class="main"><?php echo tep_draw_input_field('expires_date', $bInfo->expires_date, 'id="expires_date"') . ' <small>(YYYY-MM-DD)</small>' . TEXT_BANNERS_OR_AT . '<br />' . tep_draw_input_field('expires_impressions', $bInfo->expires_impressions, 'maxlength="7" size="7"') . ' ' . TEXT_BANNERS_IMPRESSIONS; ?></td> </tr> </table> <script type="text/javascript"> $('#date_scheduled').datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' }); $('#expires_date').datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' }); </script> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '1', '10'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td class="main"><?php echo TEXT_BANNERS_BANNER_NOTE . '<br />' . TEXT_BANNERS_INSERT_NOTE . '<br />' . TEXT_BANNERS_EXPIRCY_NOTE . '<br />' . TEXT_BANNERS_SCHEDULE_NOTE; ?></td> <td class="smallText" align="right" valign="top" nowrap><?php echo tep_draw_button(IMAGE_SAVE, 'disk', null, 'primary') . tep_draw_button(IMAGE_CANCEL, 'close', tep_href_link('banner_manager.php', (isset($_GET['page']) ? 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&' : '') . (isset($_GET['bID']) ? 'bID=' . $_GET['bID'] : ''))); ?></td> </tr> </table></td> </form></tr> <?php } else { ?> <tr> <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td valign="top"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr class="dataTableHeadingRow"> <td class="dataTableHeadingContent"><?php echo TABLE_HEADING_BANNERS; ?></td> <td class="dataTableHeadingContent" align="right"><?php echo TABLE_HEADING_GROUPS; ?></td> <td class="dataTableHeadingContent" align="right"><?php echo TABLE_HEADING_STATISTICS; ?></td> <td class="dataTableHeadingContent" align="right"><?php echo TABLE_HEADING_STATUS; ?></td> <td class="dataTableHeadingContent" align="right"><?php echo TABLE_HEADING_ACTION; ?> </td> </tr> <?php $banners_query_raw = "select banners_id, banners_title, banners_image, banners_group, status, expires_date, expires_impressions, date_status_change, date_scheduled, date_added from " . TABLE_BANNERS . " order by banners_title, banners_group"; $banners_split = new splitPageResults($_GET['page'], MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS, $banners_query_raw, $banners_query_numrows); $banners_query = tep_db_query($banners_query_raw); while ($banners = tep_db_fetch_array($banners_query)) { $info_query = tep_db_query("select sum(banners_shown) as banners_shown, sum(banners_clicked) as banners_clicked from " . TABLE_BANNERS_HISTORY . " where banners_id = '" . (int)$banners['banners_id'] . "'"); $info = tep_db_fetch_array($info_query); if ((!isset($_GET['bID']) || (isset($_GET['bID']) && ($_GET['bID'] == $banners['banners_id']))) && !isset($bInfo) && (substr($action, 0, 3) != 'new')) { $bInfo_array = array_merge($banners, $info); $bInfo = new objectInfo($bInfo_array); } $banners_shown = ($info['banners_shown'] != '') ? $info['banners_shown'] : '0'; $banners_clicked = ($info['banners_clicked'] != '') ? $info['banners_clicked'] : '0'; if (isset($bInfo) && is_object($bInfo) && ($banners['banners_id'] == $bInfo->banners_id)) { echo ' <tr id="defaultSelected" class="dataTableRowSelected" onmouseover="rowOverEffect(this)" onmouseout="rowOutEffect(this)" onclick="document.location.href=\'' . tep_href_link('banner_statistics.php', 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&bID=' . $bInfo->banners_id) . '\'">' . "\n"; } else { echo ' <tr class="dataTableRow" onmouseover="rowOverEffect(this)" onmouseout="rowOutEffect(this)" onclick="document.location.href=\'' . tep_href_link('banner_manager.php', 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&bID=' . $banners['banners_id']) . '\'">' . "\n"; } ?> <td class="dataTableContent"><?php echo '<a href="javascript:popupImageWindow(\'popup_image.php?banner=' . $banners['banners_id'] . '\')">' . tep_image('images/icon_popup.gif', 'View Banner') . '</a> ' . $banners['banners_title']; ?></td> <td class="dataTableContent" align="right"><?php echo $banners['banners_group']; ?></td> <td class="dataTableContent" align="right"><?php echo $banners_shown . ' / ' . $banners_clicked; ?></td> <td class="dataTableContent" align="right"> <?php if ($banners['status'] == '1') { echo tep_image('images/icon_status_green.gif', 'Active', 10, 10) . ' <a href="' . tep_href_link('banner_manager.php', 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&bID=' . $banners['banners_id'] . '&action=setflag&flag=0') . '">' . tep_image('images/icon_status_red_light.gif', 'Set Inactive', 10, 10) . '</a>'; } else { echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link('banner_manager.php', 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&bID=' . $banners['banners_id'] . '&action=setflag&flag=1') . '">' . tep_image('images/icon_status_green_light.gif', 'Set Active', 10, 10) . '</a> ' . tep_image('images/icon_status_red.gif', 'Inactive', 10, 10); } ?></td> <td class="dataTableContent" align="right"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link('banner_statistics.php', 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&bID=' . $banners['banners_id']) . '">' . tep_image('images/icons/statistics.gif', ICON_STATISTICS) . '</a> '; if (isset($bInfo) && is_object($bInfo) && ($banners['banners_id'] == $bInfo->banners_id)) { echo tep_image('images/icon_arrow_right.gif', ''); } else { echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link('banner_manager.php', 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&bID=' . $banners['banners_id']) . '">' . tep_image('images/icon_info.gif', IMAGE_ICON_INFO) . '</a>'; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td colspan="5"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td class="smallText" valign="top"><?php echo $banners_split->display_count($banners_query_numrows, MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS, $_GET['page'], TEXT_DISPLAY_NUMBER_OF_BANNERS); ?></td> <td class="smallText" align="right"><?php echo $banners_split->display_links($banners_query_numrows, MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS, MAX_DISPLAY_PAGE_LINKS, $_GET['page']); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="smallText" align="right" colspan="2"><?php echo tep_draw_button(IMAGE_NEW_BANNER, 'plus', tep_href_link('banner_manager.php', 'action=new')); ?></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table></td> <?php $heading = array(); $contents = array(); switch ($action) { case 'delete': $heading[] = array('text' => '<strong>' . $bInfo->banners_title . '</strong>'); $contents = array('form' => tep_draw_form('banners', 'banner_manager.php', 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&bID=' . $bInfo->banners_id . '&action=deleteconfirm')); $contents[] = array('text' => TEXT_INFO_DELETE_INTRO); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br /><strong>' . $bInfo->banners_title . '</strong>'); if ($bInfo->banners_image) $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . tep_draw_checkbox_field('delete_image', 'on', true) . ' ' . TEXT_INFO_DELETE_IMAGE); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<br />' . tep_draw_button(IMAGE_DELETE, 'trash', null, 'primary') . tep_draw_button(IMAGE_CANCEL, 'close', tep_href_link('banner_manager.php', 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&bID=' . $_GET['bID']))); break; default: if (is_object($bInfo)) { $heading[] = array('text' => '<strong>' . $bInfo->banners_title . '</strong>'); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => tep_draw_button(IMAGE_EDIT, 'document', tep_href_link('banner_manager.php', 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&bID=' . $bInfo->banners_id . '&action=new')) . tep_draw_button(IMAGE_DELETE, 'trash', tep_href_link('banner_manager.php', 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&bID=' . $bInfo->banners_id . '&action=delete')) . tep_draw_button(IMAGE_DETAILS, 'info', tep_href_link('banner_statistics.php', 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&bID=' . $bInfo->banners_id))); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_BANNERS_DATE_ADDED . ' ' . tep_date_short($bInfo->date_added)); if ( (function_exists('imagecreate')) && ($dir_ok) && ($banner_extension) ) { $banner_id = $bInfo->banners_id; $days = '3'; include('includes/graphs/banner_infobox.php'); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<br />' . tep_image('images/graphs/banner_infobox-' . $banner_id . '.' . $banner_extension)); } else { include('includes/functions/html_graphs.php'); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<br />' . tep_banner_graph_infoBox($bInfo->banners_id, '3')); } $contents[] = array('text' => tep_image('images/graph_hbar_blue.gif', 'Blue', '5', '5') . ' ' . TEXT_BANNERS_BANNER_VIEWS . '<br />' . tep_image('images/graph_hbar_red.gif', 'Red', '5', '5') . ' ' . TEXT_BANNERS_BANNER_CLICKS); if ($bInfo->date_scheduled) $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . sprintf(TEXT_BANNERS_SCHEDULED_AT_DATE, tep_date_short($bInfo->date_scheduled))); if ($bInfo->expires_date) { $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . sprintf(TEXT_BANNERS_EXPIRES_AT_DATE, tep_date_short($bInfo->expires_date))); } elseif ($bInfo->expires_impressions) { $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . sprintf(TEXT_BANNERS_EXPIRES_AT_IMPRESSIONS, $bInfo->expires_impressions)); } if ($bInfo->date_status_change) $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . sprintf(TEXT_BANNERS_STATUS_CHANGE, tep_date_short($bInfo->date_status_change))); } break; } if ( (tep_not_null($heading)) && (tep_not_null($contents)) ) { echo ' <td width="25%" valign="top">' . "\n"; $box = new box; echo $box->infoBox($heading, $contents); echo ' </td>' . "\n"; } ?> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <?php require('includes/template_bottom.php'); require('includes/application_bottom.php'); ?> Best Regards
Jack_mcs Posted July 21, 2018 Posted July 21, 2018 If I am understanding you correctly, you are saying that when you go to tools->banner manager, the right column is missing. If that is correct, then it means there is a mistake in one of your banners. If you have 10 banners and 6 show on that page, then the 7th one is somehow invalid. If this is not what you mean, please provide a screenshot to make it clear. Support Links: For Hire: Contact me for anything you need help with for your shop: upgrading, hosting, repairs, code written, etc. All of My Addons Get the latest versions of my addons Recommended SEO Addons
driven22 Posted July 25, 2018 Author Posted July 25, 2018 Yes - if I go to tools- banner manager the right colum is missing in my new shop BS (first screenshot). The second screeshot shows how it should be (my old shop 2.3.4). How to fix it ?
♥raiwa Posted July 25, 2018 Posted July 25, 2018 2 hours ago, driven22 said: How to fix it ? Please read Jack's previous message and try to follow what he says. On 21/7/2018 at 2:17 PM, Jack_mcs said: then it means there is a mistake in one of your banners. If you have 10 banners and 6 show on that page, then the 7th one is somehow invalid. Once you have identified the banner which causes the problem, you can remove it in your database using PHP MyAdmin. It's in the table "banners" and you can just delete the row which contains the banner. But it could be a good idea to edit it and try to identitify the problem and/or post the content of the fields here so we can help and you can avoid to repeat the error in future. About Me: Need help? How To Get The Help You Need Is your version of osC up to date? You'll find the latest osC community version CE Phoenix here. Public Phoenix Change Log Cheat Set on Google Sheets
♥JcMagpie Posted July 25, 2018 Posted July 25, 2018 I thought the banner display code had been removed from Frozen/CE? I too do not have it in my CE test site as it use to be. Adding banner adds to db but nothing shows on website. I just assumed it was a feature that had been taken out.
♥raiwa Posted July 25, 2018 Posted July 25, 2018 There are several add-on modules available you have to use to show banners on the public store side. About Me: Need help? How To Get The Help You Need Is your version of osC up to date? You'll find the latest osC community version CE Phoenix here. Public Phoenix Change Log Cheat Set on Google Sheets
Hotclutch Posted July 25, 2018 Posted July 25, 2018 There's still banner code in application_top running queries. Might be a good idea to comment them out if not needed // auto activate and expire banners require('includes/functions/banner.php'); tep_activate_banners(); tep_expire_banners();
♥JcMagpie Posted July 25, 2018 Posted July 25, 2018 Yeah it's all a bit confusing not sure what the reason for removing it was!
driven22 Posted July 25, 2018 Author Posted July 25, 2018 I can add a banner in admin and display on every page, but i can't edit this banner, delete this banner (i can only edit or delete by phpmyadmin). Right column is missing.
puddlec Posted July 25, 2018 Posted July 25, 2018 9 minutes ago, driven22 said: I can add a banner in admin and display on every page, but i can't edit this banner, delete this banner (i can only edit or delete by phpmyadmin). Right column is missing. Another bug: admin/includes/classes/phplot.php throws the error unexpected } on line 1322. Add a curly bracket to the end of line 1320, like this: if (is_array($color_asked) && (count($color_asked) == 3)) { $ret_val = $color_asked; } else { // is asking for a color by string ...if you have any need to use banner manager Phoenix support now at App created for phoenixTinyMCE editor for admin
zefeena Posted October 27, 2018 Posted October 27, 2018 I'm a bit confused! I can see the banner manager in my version, though I can't seem to get any banners to show, including the one that was already there (the os one), is the code invalid on the 'frozen' version? Running a botched up version of osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4 bootstrap with the dresscode theme installed, numerous add-ons, terrible coding, terrible website, but will have to make do until I have made up for my losses and can risk shutting down for a couple of weeks while I start all over again. - I did not install my program but am endeavouring to fix it with your help.
♥JcMagpie Posted October 27, 2018 Posted October 27, 2018 1 hour ago, zefeena said: is the code invalid on the 'frozen' version? No it's just that the banner code is not included in the stock software. You need to install a add-on to show the banners, There are a few available I did a couple for CE. Once you install you can then display the banners.
zefeena Posted October 27, 2018 Posted October 27, 2018 1 hour ago, JcMagpie said: Hi, so I installed this, but I can't see it anywhere in my admin to 'turn it on'. The stock banner does nothing, and would have been fine as it was if it had worked. Am I missing something? is it compatible with Installed Version: osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4.1 CE If attempt to edit any of the 'content headings' I get this message. : Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /public_html/includes/modules/content/header/cm_carousel_rotator.php:217) in /public_html/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 38 Running a botched up version of osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4 bootstrap with the dresscode theme installed, numerous add-ons, terrible coding, terrible website, but will have to make do until I have made up for my losses and can risk shutting down for a couple of weeks while I start all over again. - I did not install my program but am endeavouring to fix it with your help.
♥JcMagpie Posted October 27, 2018 Posted October 27, 2018 No it works fine with CE both are working on my test site Remove all the old banners and follow the instructions in the addon as to how to make and name the new banner, should just work. remember to follow instructions The groups must be set to “Rotator” This is a carousel so you need to make a number of banners each set to “Rotator”
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