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Hello, friends!

I`m Serhii, from Solomono. And I`m glad to introduse you our first templates:

demo.solomono.net and clo.solomono.net

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This templates are completely diferent from standart oscommerce. Its php 7.1 ready, SEO ready, mobile friendly(bootstrap), has unlimited images for products, unlimited information pages, completely different admin panel (you can try if for free, just put your email on top of page here ), very fast attribute filter, and optimized DB queries and MANY other.

Our main features comparing to default oscommerce:

1. Mobile ready!

2. Modern Adaptive Layout (with ability to edit main site colors, edit blocks in left column, main page and other places)

3. Unlimited Information pages!

4. High Site Speed (faster than standart oscommerce, opencart, magento, wordpress and other)

5. SEO READY (SEO-urls, editable meta tags for products, categories and main page, texts for categories pages, editable robots.txt, generating Sitemap.xml, html-sitemap, )

6. Fast Onepage Checkout

7. Ajax-functions (adding to cart, wishlist, comparing, search, filtering, sorting, sliders and other)

8. All new Admin panel!

9. Unlimited images for products

10. CSV import-export

..and MANY other! https://solomono.net/advantages-a-104.htm



Also you can change your site colors, phones, meta tags, footer information, mainpage modules directly from admin panel.

Its easy to change website design, our version has template system sililar to BTS.


Also we can move your old oscommerce website to our new versions with full DB importing (products, categories, manufacturers, attributes, orders, customers, admins and other)


Look more about us: https://solomono.net/about-company-a-99.html
Solomono on Envato: https://codecanyon.net/user/solomono
Solomono on Oscommerce: https://www.oscommerce.com/Services&developers&solomono

So, tell us your reviews and questions pls.
If you want to order template or some help, we would like to help you:

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