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10 hours ago, discxpress said:

@clustersolutions I've never heard of paying someone to write reviews besides offering them future discounts. I would like to hear more about it if you don't mind explaining it to me/us. How does that work?


@discxpress, hmm, you mean you had never gotten soliciting emails to write reviews for your site? I'd never used one but I know sites/sellers that had. If you ever read the reviews on Amazon you should be able to id "fake reviews" They do follow a pattern. Well, in the case of OSC, you probably just need access to OSC's review table...I am not encouraging this conduct at all, but it is business--anything for competition advantage...:rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, discxpress said:

@MrPhil Amazon is cracking down on such reviews. Mostly what I read, the hyped up reviews were those referring to the seller. 

My idea and as you stated in this thread, is to place a link back to the original reviews. The reviews from my actual customers would be separate as they should. That way the burden of authenticity is on the review site. Also, place a disclaimer on my site stating that those reviews are property of the external site.

@discxpress, from what I recall you can pay Amazon to help increase your reviews. May be real reviews!?, but there's a cost...

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39 minutes ago, clustersolutions said:

@discxpress, hmm, you mean you had never gotten soliciting emails to write reviews for your site? I'd never used one but I know sites/sellers that had. If you ever read the reviews on Amazon you should be able to id "fake reviews" They do follow a pattern. Well, in the case of OSC, you probably just need access to OSC's review table...I am not encouraging this conduct at all, but it is business--anything for competition advantage...:rolleyes:

@clustersolutions most solicitation emails go to spam folder. The ones that come through I read a little and if it's garbage I delete. I really don't shop on Amazon so I can't remember reading any fake reviews. I am interested in ways to get my customers more engaged by getting them to submit reviews.


39 minutes ago, clustersolutions said:

@discxpress, from what I recall you can pay Amazon to help increase your reviews. May be real reviews!?, but there's a cost...

This is all new to me. 

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On 12/6/2016 at 4:56 AM, John W said:

I was helping Gary with testing on this and I sent out 50 requests yesterday and received 8 positive reviews within a couple hours.  The key thing here is this module makes it easy generate those request in a minute or two.  Amazon is the leader in online sales and they do this, so why don't you? That's how I see it.  One sale can easily pays for this module.  @@douglaswalker posted on a thread that he was able to get over 1k reviews inn a year, so that motivated me to ask. 


Bottom line is you should try this for £20.00 and you'll make that back in addtional profit.  Just so everyone knows I put my money where my mouth is, I sent the donation in after I had it for testing because it's worth it. 

@discxpress, follow up emails along with Gary's module you doing that right now? Got some good reviews...

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4 hours ago, clustersolutions said:

I imagine the industry, demographic, and etc that your store's in may decide your conversion? Perhaps need to beef up other areas for contents...

@clustersolutions @MrPhil @frankl I just discovered that a lot of sites in my industry use a review syndication called Trust Pilot. Several sites that compete against each other use that company. I noticed it when different websites had the same rating, same amount of reviews for the same product.

I know Google love reviews but I don't know of the ranking or traffic impact it has.

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15 hours ago, discxpress said:

I know Google love reviews but I don't know of the ranking or traffic impact it has.

@discxpress, this is how I see it...customers love reviews, I specifically look for reviews of a product often before making a purchase, and I think reviews also give me a way to see if the site is for real. It's not hard to spot fake reviews, and to me its almost common, and it's just the extend that it's being abused. So, probably 100% of the sites had G Analytic installed, and regardless of it, Google/Bing and etc would know a lot about your visitor's behavior. At the end, metrics like bounce rate, source location, page visited, time on site, conversion, & etc. are probably what Google like the most. Reviews plays a factor in these metrics, but so does other contents...so just build your site for your customers...

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2 hours ago, clustersolutions said:

@discxpress, this is how I see it...customers love reviews, I specifically look for reviews of a product often before making a purchase, and I think reviews also give me a way to see if the site is for real. It's not hard to spot fake reviews, and to me its almost common, and it's just the extend that it's being abused. So, probably 100% of the sites had G Analytic installed, and regardless of it, Google/Bing and etc would know a lot about your visitor's behavior. At the end, metrics like bounce rate, source location, page visited, time on site, conversion, & etc. are probably what Google like the most. Reviews plays a factor in these metrics, but so does other contents...so just build your site for your customers...

@clustersolutions great points. I'm gonna put forth an effort to get customers to leave reviews. Especially, the area of my site where I need to prove authenticity of the products. I use Gary's Key system. But not as aggressively as I should. I got 2 more reviews last night and I submitted them to Google. If I can get the reviews built up to over 100 then I'll be in good shape.

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The "Review Getting" Module does not work for all sites for sure - it depends on your client base.

One person using it owns a site where the client base just want to go on, buy, receive their goods.  It's in the law enforcement area.
He tried the review getter with zero response.

Another one, did very well with the review getter.  A toy shop.

So, it's not a magic bullet.  But in 90% of shops...it works, and it works very well.

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1 hour ago, burt said:

The "Review Getting" Module does not work for all sites for sure - it depends on your client base.

One person using it owns a site where the client base just want to go on, buy, receive their goods.  It's in the law enforcement area.
He tried the review getter with zero response.

Another one, did very well with the review getter.  A toy shop.

So, it's not a magic bullet.  But in 90% of shops...it works, and it works very well.

That toy shop now has 1746 reviews ...thanks Burt :thumbsup:

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4 hours ago, burt said:

The "Review Getting" Module does not work for all sites for sure - it depends on your client base.

One person using it owns a site where the client base just want to go on, buy, receive their goods.  It's in the law enforcement area.
He tried the review getter with zero response.

Another one, did very well with the review getter.  A toy shop.

So, it's not a magic bullet.  But in 90% of shops...it works, and it works very well.

@burt I believe the module works but it could be the approach of the site owner. Like myself, in fragrances it should be easy to get reviews, but I don't aggressively pursue them as I should. You got services like TrustPilot that does all the work. But your competitor could have the same review for the same product. I noticed that while Googling the other day. Avid shoppers will notice that almost immediately. The content isn't unique but it's rumored to boost conversions and traffic. 

I guess it's some kind of structured data markup to let the search engines know that it's syndicated content. Reviews build trust with new shoppers. 

I would like to use the other site's reviews as a placeholder while I build my own collection. In my view it would be "What our customers are saying..." and if you're still not sure here's "What other reviewers on [external site] are saying..." Just as @frankl stated you can display reviews from Amazon but we know that will come at a cost, loss of sales.

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Trustpilot runs two different schemes;

1.  your customers rate your shop. 
You then display your trustpilot rating.

2.  your customers rate your products.
You then display your trustpilot product reviews.

I have implemented #1 on a shop. 
I have not implemented #2.

I did not know that a shopowner can show product reviews from other sites via Trustpilot, having never had to look at it.
Are you sure they offer this?

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8 hours ago, burt said:

Trustpilot runs two different schemes;

1.  your customers rate your shop. 
You then display your trustpilot rating.

2.  your customers rate your products.
You then display your trustpilot product reviews.

I have implemented #1 on a shop. 
I have not implemented #2.

I did not know that a shopowner can show product reviews from other sites via Trustpilot, having never had to look at it.
Are you sure they offer this?

@burt from what I read a customer makes a purchase from a site. Days later TrustPilot sends the customer an email asking to review product. If customer opt-in to write a review, TrustPilot attributes the review to the product and not the website the product was bought from. The review is shown across all TP affiliated sites that sell that product.

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