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Multi-Vendor shipping add-on without any success


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I have tried to install the Multi-Vendor shipping add-on without any success. I have started all over with a new install of OSCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4. Could someone PLEASE send me a link to the Multi-Vendor shipping add-on that works with OSCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4 and detailed instruction on how to add it to V2.3.4

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There is no version of MVS for osCommerce 2.3.4. You can still install it, but you will have to patch your existing files rather than replace them with the ones in the MVS distribution.



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Thank you so much for your reply. I hope I haven't broken any more forum rules.

I must admit that I am lost and totally out of my element. Could anyone/someone  PLEASE attach the link I need to the MVS version that I should start with and the patches needed to make it work with OSCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4 

In advance, I thank you very much 

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This is the one you want. It's a big install with a lot of file changes, so take it slow and make certain that you do every step. If you need help with any part of it, the support thread is here.

If you need shipping modules that are not in the release package, there are several additional modules available, but get the basic install completed and working before you try adding any of those.



Edited by kymation
Forum just added a bunch of extra spaces. Weird.

See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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MVS 1.3 is the latest, and should work well with stock osCommerce 2.3.4. I would still compare the files suing a comparison program (I use Meld) rather than just overwriting your files. It's safer that way.



See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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  • 3 weeks later...

MVS is a lifesaver and has worked for me for many years.  Can't thank Jim enough!

I'm now trying to upgrade it to 2.3.4 EDGE... so close .... but I still need help on the "catalog/includes/modules/vendor_shipping.php" page to get it brought up to the BS look and feel.

Anybody done this yet??

Edited by phi148
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  • 8 months later...

Thanks Jim

I have spent countless hours trying to get Paypal to work, but can't make sense of integrating it!

The original PayPal module used to work partially, but not with MVS - I think due to the checkout process?

I wish there were modifications that could be made to the MVS checkout code so it would work with the simpler PayPal modules...

Is PayPal Pro easy to set up and integrate?



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It's Paypal, so nothing is ever easy. However, the current Paypal App for osCommerce is a lot easier to set up than any of the previous modules. How well it works depends on the version of osCommerce you are using. If you're up to, either stock or CE, it should work. Well, Direct Payment will work.

Any older version of osC may or may not work, so you should upgrade first if you are running an older version. In that case I recommend using CE.



See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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