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Paypal duplicate orders

John W

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I'm getting duplicate orders on almost every paypal order lately.  I'm getting paid twice too.  Most people aren't aware it's happening, but I've had 4 in a row.  For a while I was having orders fail, but now, two at a time.  Anyone else have this problem? 

I'm not really a dog.

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John a few month ago I had a few duplicate orders and payments...it happened over a span of a couple of days and then stopped.  In one case the customer was aware of it and in the other case they were not.  I got the sense that it was an issue that PayPal was experiencing.  It hasn't happened since.  I've also seen some strange things with them transferring funds to my bank account on my request...doing so and not debiting my PayPal account. On another occasion they completed a transfer...then later reversed it saying they had a system issue so I repeated it and then they repeated it.  They actually caused my Paypal account to be overdrawn and then refused a couple of small automatic monthly bill payments I had set up.   Simply put, some strange activity for a large financial institution like PayPal.  Nothing surprises me now. :blink:


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I've noticed some days that the Paypal site is glitchy.  My server is in Houston, but it didn't drown and I haven't had any problems other wise.  A.net is near perfect for me.  I was down Sun-Wed over here from Hurricane Irma. 

I'm not really a dog.

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I forget you were in Florida John.   I bet you're glad you're not in the Keys.  I assume you were down due to the power...we sent down a lot of Hydro guys to help out as you guys do when we have our sever ice storms.



Edited by Dan Cole
Left out words.
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I'm in Winter Park, which is in the Orlando area, so we just lost power with a lot of tree trash to clean up.  As long as a tree doesn't fall on the house, we're good and we didn't have any damage.  However, there are people still without power.  It wasn't nearly as bad fof us as in 2004 when Charley came through for my area, but pretty bad for the state.  Winter Park has about 25k trees and there were only about 300+ down for Irma.  For Charley, there were 8,000 trees down and it was a mess for many months.  I used to live in Cape Coral near Naples and that house I'm sure went under water.  The way the power companies help each other is how life should be.  Those linemen work their ass off and deserve the money they make.  It's a lot of hours for the.

It doesn't even freeze normally where I am.  It was 80's in the house though with 80% humidity though with no power.

I'm not really a dog.

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The way the power companies help each other is how life should be. 

Indeed....I get pretty emotional when I'm reminded of stories like this.

On 9/11, a tiny Canadian town opened its runways and heart to 7,000 stranded travelers


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Well, without me changing anything, the duplicates seem to have stopped.  However, I had another failed order, which I didn't have any when the duplicates were happening.  I'm going to enable both PDT and IPN like you did and see if that helps.  I think Paypal servers are glitchy though.  They're probably a huge target for DDOS and various attacks. 

I'm not really a dog.

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2 hours ago, John W said:

Well, without me changing anything, the duplicates seem to have stopped.  However, I had another failed order, which I didn't have any when the duplicates were happening.  I'm going to enable both PDT and IPN like you did and see if that helps.  I think Paypal servers are glitchy though.  They're probably a huge target for DDOS and various attacks. 

Yup...I think that at times we believe it's a problem on our end when really it's a PayPal issue.


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 9/17/2017 at 3:35 PM, John W said:

Well, without me changing anything, the duplicates seem to have stopped.  However, I had another failed order, which I didn't have any when the duplicates were happening.  I'm going to enable both PDT and IPN like you did and see if that helps.  I think Paypal servers are glitchy though.  They're probably a huge target for DDOS and various attacks. 

I've been having this same problem ever since we installed the new paypal app, which was months ago.

PDT and IPN is already enabled on my PayPal account, can anyone help?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a duplicate order on 17th October and had one a few weeks previously. Customer said that as far as he can remember PP took him back to my site and then he got a message that he had to do it again. He was unsure where that came from but I presume it could not come from my site. Both orders completed normally my end. I asked him if on the first order he had received the PP email and my stores one. He confessed that he does not look at his emails often, perhaps therein lies the clue. Modern society is obsessed with Social Media for their communications and emails may be going the way of written letters.

Live shop Phoenix on PHP 7.4 Working my way up the versions.

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That's how one customer described it to me.  Most were not aware it happened.  In every case I got two emails from PP confirming payment.  For me it stopped as suddenly as it started and has not happened again.  I thinnk it's a PP issue.

I'm not really a dog.

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I have seen duplications on several cases. I have non PP payment module with same rarely duplication. But I have seen duplicated emails. I suspect to double entry threads from the shop server side sometimes.
I have deleted duplicated post from oscommerce forum treads...

osCommerce based shop owner with minimal design and focused on background works. When the less is more.
Email managment with tracking pixel, package managment for shipping, stock management, warehouse managment with bar code reader, parcel shops management on 3000 pickup points without local store.

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I wonder if this setting will help anyone?  Mine profile is set to block duplicate payments but I'm not sure how long it has been set like that or even how it got that way.

PayPal Block Duplicate Payments


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Forum mandated pls. ask PP that dont use Superconducting Super Collider in Texas to mine more cripton valutes because we dont recive double orders nowadays.

osCommerce based shop owner with minimal design and focused on background works. When the less is more.
Email managment with tracking pixel, package managment for shipping, stock management, warehouse managment with bar code reader, parcel shops management on 3000 pickup points without local store.

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On 21/10/2017 at 5:01 PM, Dan Cole said:

I wonder if this setting will help anyone?  Mine profile is set to block duplicate payments but I'm not sure how long it has been set like that or even how it got that way.

PayPal Block Duplicate Payments


Thanks for the input Dan but they are separate orders with incrementally the next order number for the second one. I have always had that PP setting enabled. What is annoying is that although PP appear to cause this problem, when you refund the buyer for the second order PP greedily keep the 20p transaction charge for themselves. Naughty and sharp practice IMO

Live shop Phoenix on PHP 7.4 Working my way up the versions.

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5 hours ago, mhsuffolk said:

Thanks for the input Dan but they are separate orders with incrementally the next order number for the second one. I have always had that PP setting enabled. What is annoying is that although PP appear to cause this problem, when you refund the buyer for the second order PP greedily keep the 20p transaction charge for themselves. Naughty and sharp practice IMO

Do you have both PDT and IPN enabled?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just as information, I purchased something at an online store, not osC related at all, they send me a PayPal payment request and I got that request email twice. Then once I paid I received the PayPal confirmation email also twice. 

It does seem to be a PayPal related issue. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have always used PayPal Standard, no other version.
There are two files that send emails, catalog/includes/modules/payment/paypal_standard.php and catalog/ext/modules/payment/paypal/standard_ipn.php. There are no more files that send emails.

At first I received the duplicate emails until I commented the whole block in the second file. Since then I have not received a duplicate email again and this has been more than a year.

The first file shows the order number in the email. The second file does not show it, that's why I commented it.


Seach in catalog/ext/modules/payment/paypal/standard_ipn.php from

// lets start with the email confirmation
      $email_order = STORE_NAME . "\n" .


// send emails to other people
      if (SEND_EXTRA_ORDER_EMAILS_TO != '') {

and comment or delete everything

This works for me, I do not receive duplicate emails since I did it. I hope that helps.

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