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Paypal V5.018 update?


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Harold hasn't stated it, that I am aware of, but think I think he has switched this to updates only from the admin. That makes updating the module easier for everyone. So if it is installed in your shop, just go to admin->Paypal and you should see a View Update button, if it needs updating. Then an install button will appear. click on it to install it.

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Please post the link to the 5.018 version. Many have asked for it here so providing a link would be helpful.

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If you look at the source of your https://www.domain.com/admin/paypal.php?action=configure page does it show this section?

  <div id="ppAppUpdateNotice" style="padding: 0 12px 0 12px; display: none;">
    <div class="pp-panel pp-panel-success">
      <p>An update is available for this App!</p>
<p><small><a href="https://www.domain.com/admin/paypal.php?action=update" class="pp-button pp-button-success">View Update</a></small></p>    </div>


osCommerce user since 2003! :thumbsup:

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8 hours ago, tmcca said:

It's not there that is the problem only 5.010

Yes, I know. But your response before mine stated it was. Perhaps it is a language problem. As mentioned, you have to update from admin. But the update doesn't work on older versions of the app so, if you have an old version installed (v 4.x), you will need to update it manually using the version from the apps site and then the update button should appear in your admin.

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@frankl yes but not being shown the only thing being shown is:


v5.018 is available as an update! This can be downloaded and applied manually from the osCommerce Apps site. Not View Update button at all this is what code is shown:


 versionCheckNotify: function() {
        if ( (typeof this.versionCheckResult[0] != 'undefined') && (typeof this.versionCheckResult[1] != 'undefined') ) {
          if ( this.versionCheckResult[1] > this.version ) {

if ( typeof OSCOM.APP.PAYPAL.versionCheckResult != 'undefined' ) {
  OSCOM.APP.PAYPAL.versionCheckResult = OSCOM.APP.PAYPAL.versionCheckResult.split('-', 2);

<div class="pp-container">
  <div class="pp-header">
    <div id="ppAppInfo" style="float: right;">
      PayPal App v5.010 <a href="http://petunderground.com/specials/paypal.php?action=info">Info/Help</a> <a href="http://petunderground.com/specials/paypal.php?action=privacy">Privacy</a>    </div>

    <a href="http://mysite.com/admin/paypal.php?action=update"><img src="http://petunderground.com/images/apps/paypal/paypal.png" /></a>

  <div id="ppAppUpdateNotice" style="padding: 0 12px 0 12px; display: none;">
    <div class="pp-panel pp-panel-success">
      <p>An update is available for this App!</p>
<p><small><a href="http://mysite.com/admin/paypal.php?action=update" class="pp-button pp-button-success">View Update</a></small></p>    </div>


Edited by tmcca
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I am guessing to see the update button you need to be in SSL which I did still no update button.. I am on bootstrap says version 4.039. However, when I install 5.010 in bootstrap it gets messed up.. Anyone? shouldnt the bootstrap version install 5.018 already? I am going on github and maybe a bug

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I even added this to verify openssl function exists; I also changed

doOnlineVersionCheck: true but didnt do anything; i am lost
if (function_exists('openssl_verify')) {
    echo "Openssl functions are available.<br />\n";
} else {
    echo "Openssl functions are not available.<br />\n";


Edited by tmcca
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The view update button code is in the page source below. You should find out why it isn't being shown on the page.

3 hours ago, tmcca said:

@frankl yes but not being shown the only thing being shown is:


v5.018 is available as an update! This can be downloaded and applied manually from the osCommerce Apps site. Not View Update button at all this is what code is shown:


 versionCheckNotify: function() {
        if ( (typeof this.versionCheckResult[0] != 'undefined') && (typeof this.versionCheckResult[1] != 'undefined') ) {
          if ( this.versionCheckResult[1] > this.version ) {

if ( typeof OSCOM.APP.PAYPAL.versionCheckResult != 'undefined' ) {
  OSCOM.APP.PAYPAL.versionCheckResult = OSCOM.APP.PAYPAL.versionCheckResult.split('-', 2);

<div class="pp-container">
  <div class="pp-header">
    <div id="ppAppInfo" style="float: right;">
      PayPal App v5.010 <a href="http://petunderground.com/specials/paypal.php?action=info">Info/Help</a> <a href="http://petunderground.com/specials/paypal.php?action=privacy">Privacy</a>    </div>

    <a href="http://mysite.com/admin/paypal.php?action=update"><img src="http://petunderground.com/images/apps/paypal/paypal.png" /></a>

  <div id="ppAppUpdateNotice" style="padding: 0 12px 0 12px; display: none;">
    <div class="pp-panel pp-panel-success">
      <p>An update is available for this App!</p>
<p><small><a href="http://mysite.com/admin/paypal.php?action=update" class="pp-button pp-button-success">View Update</a></small></p>    </div>



osCommerce user since 2003! :thumbsup:

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What does your section of page source like this look like?

var OSCOM = {
  dateNow: new Date(),
  htmlSpecialChars: function(string) {
    if ( string == null ) {
      string = '';

    return $('<span />').text(string).html();
  nl2br: function(string) {
    return string.replace(/\n/g, '<br />');
  APP: {
    PAYPAL: {
      version: '4.039',
      versionCheckResult: "5-5.018",
      action: 'credentials',
      doOnlineVersionCheck: false,
      canApplyOnlineUpdates: true,
      accountTypes: {
        live: true,
        sandbox: false      },
      versionCheck: function() {
        $.get('https://www.domain.com/admin/paypal.php?action=checkVersion', function (data) {
          var versions = [];

          if ( OSCOM.APP.PAYPAL.canApplyOnlineUpdates == true ) {
            try {
              data = $.parseJSON(data);
            } catch (ex) {

            if ( (typeof data == 'object') && ('rpcStatus' in data) && (data['rpcStatus'] == 1) && ('releases' in data) && (data['releases'].length > 0) ) {
              for ( var i = 0; i < data['releases'].length; i++ ) {
          } else {
            if ( (typeof data == 'string') && (data.indexOf('rpcStatus') > -1) ) {
              var result = data.split("\n", 2);

              if ( result.length == 2 ) {
                var rpcStatus = result[0].split('=', 2);

                if ( rpcStatus[1] == 1 ) {
                  var release = result[1].split('=', 2);


          if ( versions.length > 0 ) {
            OSCOM.APP.PAYPAL.versionCheckResult = [ OSCOM.dateNow.getDate(), Math.max.apply(Math, versions) ];

      versionCheckNotify: function() {
        if ( (typeof this.versionCheckResult[0] != 'undefined') && (typeof this.versionCheckResult[1] != 'undefined') ) {
          if ( this.versionCheckResult[1] > this.version ) {

if ( typeof OSCOM.APP.PAYPAL.versionCheckResult != 'undefined' ) {
  OSCOM.APP.PAYPAL.versionCheckResult = OSCOM.APP.PAYPAL.versionCheckResult.split('-', 2);


osCommerce user since 2003! :thumbsup:

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In admin/paypal.php, does this line exist?

canApplyOnlineUpdates: <?php echo class_exists('ZipArchive') && function_exists('json_encode') && function_exists('openssl_verify') ? 'true' : 'false'; ?>,

and if that line is present the source code definitely looks exactly like this?

APP: {
    PAYPAL: {
      version: '4.039',
      versionCheckResult: "5-5.018",
      action: 'credentials',
      doOnlineVersionCheck: false,
      canApplyOnlineUpdates: true,
      accountTypes: {
        live: true,
        sandbox: false      },
      versionCheck: function() {


osCommerce user since 2003! :thumbsup:

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Should I go to an older version and try it? interesting I see 4-5.018 yours is 5-5.018

APP: {
    PAYPAL: {
      version: '5.010',
      versionCheckResult: "4-5.018",
      action: 'update',
      doOnlineVersionCheck: false,
      canApplyOnlineUpdates: false,
      accountTypes: {
        live: true,
        sandbox: true      },
      versionCheck: function() {


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Create a new page in your catalog and copy this code into it. Tell me the results when you look at the page


  osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

  Copyright (c) 2010 osCommerce

  Released under the GNU General Public License


<div class="page-header">
  <h1>Paypal Test</h1>
<div class="contentContainer">
	echo 'ZipArchive: ' . class_exists('ZipArchive') . '<br>';
	echo 'json_encode: ' . function_exists('json_encode') . '<br>';
	echo 'openssl_verify: ' . function_exists('openssl_verify') . '<br>';
<div class="contentContainer">
  <div class="buttonSet">
    <div class="text-right"><?php echo tep_draw_button(IMAGE_BUTTON_CONTINUE, 'fa fa-angle-right', tep_href_link('index.php')); ?></div>



osCommerce user since 2003! :thumbsup:

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