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Just in the last few hours our USPS module is not returning domestic quotes.  It is returning international quotes quickly and accurately.  On the domestic quotes there's a long delay before it apparently timeouts and then continues to display the checkout_shipping page with the other carrier quotes.  I know this because I tested with USPS disabled and our FedEx quotes some back quickly (as do the international USPS quotes).  Anyone else having this issue or know what is causing it?  I'm guessing it is a USPS API issue but none of the websites that monitor the USPS API are indicating any issues.  I'm hoping something hasn't changed with the API that would require a rework of the USPS module. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



This also happened approx two weeks ago.  Within a couple of hours all was well again, so I suspect their servers are having glitches.



I too experienced the USPS 'issue'. Fortunately, it didn't last too long (nor do I think I lost too many sales).

I think this is a good example of how something like your 'Checkout Message' add-on can be used to notify customers that there are problems beyond your control ...

I immediately tested this on a development server, and could see how this could calm customer's concerns. Easy to turn on or off, I will definitely be adding this to my stores, if only for situations like this.


  • 2 weeks later...

Curiosity question - Does anyone know if the Postal Service is changing their APIs and if so will USPS Methods Rates V4 Intl Rates V2 will be updated to interface?

I ask since the USPS service seems to be working ON THEIR SITE which last week it was not when this problem presented itself.  The module apparently can calculate the International rates  BUT Domestic rates are not being returned.

Any input would be appreciated.



I posted my questions over on the MAIN Support forum for the module...



UPDATE: you must uninstall and re-install after the changes below are made.

I had/have installed the latest version of theUSPS Methods Rates V4 Intl Rates V2 uploaded by a.forever in 2016.

It looks like USPS did update the name of first class parcel mail from there server.

You need to update line 522  with the following:

Change from:

        \'First-Class MailRM Parcel\', 

Replace with:

        \'First-Class Package Service - RetailTM\',

Now all of the rates are returning for me again.

Hope this helps someone.



ALSO Kymation posted this after the fix was posted....


Web Tools API integrators – Web Tools database maintenance will result in an API outage affecting all secure/HTTPS requests.

Timing and duration: 3 hours on September 17, 2017 from 7:00 – 10:00 PM EDT.

APIs impacted: Any API accessed through the secure URL (https://secure.shippingapis.com/shippingapi.dll). For example:

- All Label APIs, including: eVS, Domestic Labels, International Labels and Customs Forms, SCAN Form, Hold For Pickup, Open and Distribute

- All Web Tools 2.0 APIs: Commercial Package Intercept, Delivery Instructions/Redelivery Availability, Schedule Redelivery, Forever Prepaid

- Package Pickup APIs (e.g. CarrierPickupSchedule)

- PTS APIs (e.g. PTSGetPackageInfo, PTSEmail)

- Certain non-secure/HTTP APIs are also available via HTTPS and would be impacted if requests made through the secure/HTTPS URL. These include but are not limited to: RateV4, IntlRateV2, TrackV2, Verify, POLocatorV2


Best regards,


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