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Orders not showing up in admin(db-ok)


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Well...here's another interesting thing, in the database, under the configuration table, where it lists what modules are installed for shipping, order_total, and payment, when I uninstall a shipping module I look in the database, and the database is clear...like it has been, same with the order_total row, and when I reinstall the module....it doesn't load into the database... :huh:

Such as flat.php, it doesn't show that...it stays blank...how do I fix this?


Even when I remove one of the "Order Total" modules, which are listed in the database (cc.php;moneyorder.php;etc), it doesn't get removed....


What's the problem here? What's causing this? Any Ideas?

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I looked in the orders table in phpMyAdmin...and there were a total of 14 rows...14 orders. When I goto the admin panel, the numbers only add up to 11 orders....and that's all it shows with the "ot.class" removal....if I put the ot.class back in orders.php, only 2 orders show...older orders.


What's up? What do I need to do to FIX this? Please help.... :(

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I just uploaded a fresh OSCommerce in a separate folder using the same database, and for sure, there is something wrong with the database....what could it be that would be causing this though?


Please...someone help me out....

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Chris Dunning

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