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Converting Points and Rewards system for osC BS


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@raiwa @LeeFoster

I did a quick test run on the latest package.

I created 2 customer accounts so that I am able to test the referral feature.

Test 1:

Place normal order and see if points are given to customer.
Worked as it should. Points stay on pending till confirmed by admin.

Test 2:

As new customer place an order and enter e-mail address of other customer as referral.
Also worked as it should. Referral points stay on pending till confirmed. Order points also given and also staying on pending till confirmed.

Test 3:

Placing an order and paying the whole amount with points only.
In admin -> HT module settings I have the following inside.

Award points for order with redeemed points -> True

Still points are not given after placing order. (Bug 10? )
Not even sure points should be given at this point since the whole amount was paid in points. And the item is basically free of charge.

Test 4:

Placing order and this time covering only partial of total with points.
This time points are given and stay pending till confirmed.

Test 5:

Write review for a purchased product.
Worked as should, points are in Referral staying pending till confirmed.

Other things I mentioned

Missing text definition in Points payment module

define('TEXT_POINTS', 'Points');


Missing footer module?


Text definition in products_reviews.php and product_reviews_writing.php is missing

define('REVIEW_HELP_LINK', ' Write a Review and earn <b>%s</b> worth of points.<br />Please check the %s for more information.');

In both files this following code needs to be removed

<?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?>



This is all till now. I cannot test the PayPal Standard stuff and also the e-mails.

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Hi Rainer

I just uploaded a few changes and fixes to my fork.
Mostly included the stuff I mentioned before and I also cleaned the (txt) install manual. Added missing new files and added/removed a few steps.

Now I will start with the translation but don't hope too much my German is not what it used to be after 11 years over here things tend to get forgotten.

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7 hours ago, Tsimi said:

Inside includes/languages/english/hooks/shop/points/points_hooks.php


define('TEXT_REDEEM_SYSTEM_PAYING',  'Please select points payment to pay your entire order with your points. (%s points %s)  <i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i>');


define('TEXT_REDEEM_SYSTEM_PAYING',  'Please select the <strong>Points</strong> payment method to pay your entire order with your points. (%s points %s)');



4 hours ago, Tsimi said:

Test 3:

Placing an order and paying the whole amount with points only.
In admin -> HT module settings I have the following inside.

Award points for order with redeemed points -> True

Still points are not given after placing order. (Bug 10? )
Not even sure points should be given at this point since the whole amount was paid in points. And the item is basically free of charge.

This is how it works. Points are given on order total:

// customer pending points added 
      if ($order->info['total'] > 0) {

Even if the order is partially paid by points, only for the part paid by real money, points are given.

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1 minute ago, Tsimi said:

Now I will start with the translation but don't hope too much my German is not what it used to be after 11 years over here things tend to get forgotten.

No prob, I can revise german. It's important that the base is done.

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4 hours ago, Tsimi said:

Missing footer module?

I only added the modifed template file to replace the core template. I saw that you created complete alternative modules. I can do this also if you prefer.

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5 hours ago, Tsimi said:

Text definition in products_reviews.php and product_reviews_writing.php is missing

define('REVIEW_HELP_LINK', ' Write a Review and earn <b>%s</b> worth of points.<br />Please check the %s for more information.');

In both files this following code needs to be removed

<?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?>



@LeeFoster, These definitions are already removed from english.php. They should be included in the new modules language files. The separator should be removed also in the new modules.

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5 hours ago, Tsimi said:

This is all till now. I cannot test the PayPal Standard stuff and also the e-mails.

I'm using a nice small programm to catch e-mails under my windows develop environment:


If you are using Skype, you may need to change the smtp port from 25 to anything else in php.ini and papercut options. I'm using 28 instead.

PayPal standard later on.

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6 hours ago, Tsimi said:

Test 3:

Placing an order and paying the whole amount with points only.
In admin -> HT module settings I have the following inside.

Award points for order with redeemed points -> True

Still points are not given after placing order. (Bug 10? )
Not even sure points should be given at this point since the whole amount was paid in points. And the item is basically free of charge.

I think this should be changed to allow point redemption on partial points payments only. I wouldn't want someone getting points for spending points.

Also I get the below error when on the referral points screen in admin, though I think referral points and pending points should be merged.


Warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array in E:\xampp\htdocs\store\admin\customers_points_referral.php on line 422

Warning: reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in E:\xampp\htdocs\store\admin\includes\classes\object_info.php on line 21

Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in E:\xampp\htdocs\store\admin\includes\classes\object_info.php on line 22

Warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array in E:\xampp\htdocs\store\admin\customers_points_referral.php on line 422

Warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array in E:\xampp\htdocs\store\admin\customers_points_referral.php on line 422


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1 hour ago, raiwa said:

I only added the modifed template file to replace the core template. I saw that you created complete alternative modules. I can do this also if you prefer.

Ah, I see... I was looking for a new module. Duh! :happy:
I created new modules for the navbar and shopping box because I didn't want to overwrite/replace any files, not even the modules that come with osC from the beginning.
Just a simple copy & paste job with new titles and file names and the code changes, done.

The only thing that cannot be done as new module is the "pages" account thing. That is kinda weird code.



I think this should be changed to allow point redemption on partial points payments only.

This is how it works at the moment. If a customer pays the whole order with points only he doesn't get any. Only if he uses partial points.
If this something you don't like to give then just set Award points for order with redeemed points -> false and you're good.

I also cannot recreate your errors.

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1 hour ago, LeeFoster said:

Did you already create a module for the reviews page? There seems to be one in there but it doesn't work.

@LeeFoster Yes I created one and it works for me. Can you double check. You need to modify reviews.php or use the new one uploaded.

@Tsimi can you check and confirm, please.

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8 minutes ago, raiwa said:

@LeeFoster Yes I created one and it works for me. Can you double check. You need to modify reviews.php or use the new one uploaded.

@Tsimi can you check and confirm, please.

Sorry I was looking at product_reviews.php and product_reviews_write.php. I've amended these with the same changes in reviews.php so it's one switch for all 3

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1 minute ago, Tsimi said:

Reviews module works just fine and as @LeeFoster pointed out you can use the same call code for product_reviews.php and product_reviews_write.php

Yep, wasn't aware that's the same content.

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Yeah, I didn't know either till @LeeFoster mentioned it.
That's great, 3 for 1 so to speak. So @LeeFoster didn't need to create new modules for those pages the one you did does the job just fine.

I updated my github with the latest changes and updated the txt install manual.

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7 minutes ago, Tsimi said:


Yeah, I didn't know either till @LeeFoster mentioned it.
That's great, 3 for 1 so to speak. So @LeeFoster didn't need to create new modules for those pages the one you did does the job just fine.

I updated my github with the latest changes and updated the txt install manual.

Yep, saved me a job

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1 hour ago, Tsimi said:


What sounds better to you?




or just simple


Difficult. Google says "Belohnungspunkte", but sounds me a bit "oldfashion".

Maybe "Bonuspunkte" is good to cover all meanings from reviews to referral  and shopping points.

EDIT: Just remembered now that in the 60's there existed a redeem point sistem in real stores called "Rabattmarken". So maybe it could be called "Rabattpunkte", or is it also too "oldfashion" :-)

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1 hour ago, Tsimi said:



You want me to push the latest github changes?

Yes, please.

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3 minutes ago, bonbec said:

Great work guys :smile:

It's very interesting.

I think you can use "Treuepunkte" : this is the term used by a competitor on the German version of his site.

Thanks. "Treuepunkte" in the strict sense, covers only shopping points, it's not so good for referring and reviews.

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Pull request generated.

Regarding the points it is indeed difficult to decide. I looked at 2 different shops that have such points system and German language in their shops and both say Treuepunkte on every page except for the FAQ page there they call them Bonuspunkte or Bonuspunkte System.

Right now I am using Treuepunkte but I can change that anytime.


Thank you. :smile:

We could use a French translator if you're up to it.... :rolleyes::biggrin:

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38 minutes ago, Tsimi said:

Right now I am using Treuepunkte but I can change that anytime.

Then leave it, who wants to change it: search and replace :-)


Just for curiosity, google search results:

bonuspunkte system online shops: 111.000

treuepunkte system online shops: 59.900

Loyalitätspunkte system online shops: 15.900

rabattpunkte system online shops: 4.890

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