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Converting Points and Rewards system for osC BS


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2 minutes ago, raiwa said:


fixed, indeed the old configuration entry has been left. I revised also all other files, all should be updated now.

in admin/customers_points.php line 114:

            $expire  = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+ '. POINTS_AUTO_EXPIRES .' month'));

change to:

            $expire  = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+ '. MODULE_HEADER_TAGS_POINTS_REWARDS_POINTS_POINTS_AUTO_EXPIRES .' month'));


Works for me now

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@Tsimi, @LeeFoster, @Omar_one,

several updates pushed to clean up language files and remove core changes in application_top.php

Please consider a complete update.

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maybe this can help for the german translation:

google: my_points_help.php site:de

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@Tsimi, @LeeFoster,

Adding the admin hook, I found that the hook naming and directory structure is not correct in the shop side.

Instead to have all shop hooks in one file and directory (points), they should be separated for each page file:



and so on.

Like this the hook register on each page and the directory can be used for different contributions/hooks.

If you agree and as we are on time I'll go to fix this now.

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@Tsimi, @LeeFoster, @Omar_one,

pushed update with installation scripts in ht module for hook and content module support in core files.

Please check starting with virgin core files. Same mofdifications have changed, so uninstall will not work with the old modified core files.

One question:

info box and footer module is different solved

- info box: complete new module

- footer info module: modified core template

We should unify this. I would suggest to include only modified core template files to upload and replace -> only one line added and many will have this already modified.

I'll go for the paypal standard modifications.


Edited by raiwa
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Sorry, was caught up with other private things lately. 

I will take a look at your latest changes asap. And also try to get that German translation done as quick as I can.

You mean we should abandon the info boxes modules and go for a one line code addition to the core files, is that correct?


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6 hours ago, Tsimi said:

You mean we should abandon the info boxes modules and go for a one line code addition to the core files, is that correct?

@Tsimi, Yes, I thought many stores have this already modified /added more links. So they have to edit anyway. But if you prefer to have separate modules, I can add a complete alternative footer module, no problem. It just should be the samefor both, box and footer module.

Another point maybe to be added to the to do list:

- add installation checks for the required modules to all modules. Your thoughts?

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One code addition to the info stuff core file is totally OK, l think. It is not a vital core code that we modify so sure, trash the info modules and add optional steps into the manual.

What exactly do you mean regarding that install check? Can you elaborate?

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12 minutes ago, Tsimi said:

One code addition to the info stuff core file is totally OK, l think. It is not a vital core code that we modify so sure, trash the info modules and add optional steps into the manual.

I meant here to pack the template files with the line added as a modified core file plus instructions.


13 minutes ago, Tsimi said:

What exactly do you mean regarding that install check? Can you elaborate?

I mean if a module is selected in admin, it shows a message if other required modules are not installed plus a link to the installation URL of the module.

Here an example: (added to the class constructor below "$this->description = ".....)

      if (!defined('MODULE_PAYMENT_POINTS_STATUS')) {
        $this->description .=   '<div class="secWarning">' . MODULE_PAYMENT_POINTS_WARNING . '<br>
                                <a href="modules_payment.php?module=points&action=install">' . MODULE_PAYMENT_POINTS_INSTALL_NOW . '</a></div>';

It should be added for all 3 required modules: ht module, payment module and ot module.

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On 25/9/2017 at 11:01 AM, Tsimi said:

And yes add the infobox and footer line into the template files but you will have to point that out otherwise people might miss that.


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Just finished the German translation including buttons for the whole admin side.
I hope I can get the catalog side done in the next few days.

Just wondering is there a button creator site or does everyone make those admin buttons from scratch?

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1 hour ago, Tsimi said:

Just finished the German translation including buttons for the whole admin side.
I hope I can get the catalog side done in the next few days.

Just wondering is there a button creator site or does everyone make those admin buttons from scratch?

Great, I will go for the install check snippets these days.

In the old 2.2rc2a package is an extras folder included with a button template.

But the 2.3.4 admin buttons are jquery buttons and you could update all image buttons to jquery buttons. Then just change the text constant and icon like for the bootstrap buttons.

tep_draw_button(IMAGE_ORDERS_INVOICE, 'document', tep_href_link('invoice.php', 'oID=' . $oInfo->orders_id), null, array('newwindow' => true))



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Oh, good to know about the button template. I made mine in Photoshop.

But you're right we should use the jquery UI buttons. I think I tried to implement them once but failed. I'll just give it another try.

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I couldn't auto merge the latest changes anymore so I just did a clean fork again.
I will try to install this new package into a new, fresh Edge test store and see how it goes.

Still working on the translation and also working on those buttons. Time is just not my friend recently but I haven't forgotten about it.


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3 hours ago, discxpress said:

Is this module ready for a live site? If so, where to download the package?

@discxpress, hello Lecarl,

Thank you.

Download: https://github.com/raiwa/Points_Rewards_BS_BETA_GIT/archive/master.zip

Ready for live site, on your own risk. I would say it should be, but  we need still to run checks.

Instructions need to be revised and completed I think.

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18 minutes ago, Tsimi said:

What about the PayPal Standard payment method? I think that needs coding too right?

@Tsimi, sorry, forgot to mention. Hooks or other manipulation is not possible in payment modules.

So I believe we have to keep it as is and add a modified file and instructions.

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I was just thinking about Lecarl. He wants to use this "maybe" in a live store and if he uses PP Standard he will have to do the necessary changes right?
Would be great if we could have a live shop guinea pig to test the Points system. :biggrin:

Edited by Tsimi
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