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Blank checkout_shipping.php page after adding MVS


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First of all I hope I am posting this in the correct place.I am very new to this whole thing. I am not a programmer but someone that will do what ever it takes to get this fixed. I am now desperate and I need help PLEASE.


I added the Multi-Vendor shipping add-on to my web site and now the checkout_shipping.php is blank. I looked first on this site before I bothered anyone but could not find what I am looking for.


I have included a checkout_shipping.php attachment  If you need checkout_shipping.phpto see what I am talking about please create a account and try to check out. (www.socalcoralreef.com)


Could someone PLEASE help me get my web site back to where i can sell items?

Thank so much for any help I can get.


Edited by burt
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A blank page ("White Screen of Death") almost always means that there is a fatal PHP syntax error on the page. Something went wrong with the code changes you made (whether manually or the add-on install) and PHP is falling over dead on that page. If you look around, you might see an error message logged somewhere, telling you where in the code the problem is (http://www.catskilltech.com/FreeSW/faqs/index.html#wsod). In that case you could post that region of the file and maybe someone can spot the error.


What version of osC are you using? osC 2.3.4BS Edge is the only supported version. Is this add-on listed as compatible with your osC version?

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That domain name doesn't work.


Try doing a 'View source' of the blank page and if there's anything in it, the php error should be at the end.


If there's nothing in it at all, check if you uploaded the language file instead of the page.

Contact me for work on updating existing stores - whether to Phoenix or the new osC when it's released.

Looking for a payment or shipping module? Maybe I've already done it.

Working on generalising bespoke solutions for Quickbooks integration, Easify integration and pay4later (DEKO) integration at 2.3.x

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I did checked the version, this is what came back:

Version Checker              

Installed Version: osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4. You are running the latest version of osCommerce Online Merchant.

Is this the version you were talking about?


I did a 'View source' of the blank page and it is blank with no source code.


I am now trying to figure out how to view my error codes files but can't find them.


Thank you so much for your responce and most of all your help



Edited by ralgiere
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Ask your host where your PHP error log is located. They may need to turn on error logging, or tell you how to do it.


Did you replace the checkout_shipping.php with the one from the MVS package or did you apply the patches to your file? The version supplied in the MVS package is for an older version of osCommerce, so you would need to patch the file instead of replace it.


For now, just replace that file with your backup copy.




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I checked with my web host and they found these errors:


"Warning: error_log(/var/log/www/tep/page_parse_time.log): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\hshome\a904978\socalcoralreef.com\catalog\includes\functions\database.php on line 47"


Warning: require(includes/classes/xmldocument.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\hshome\a904978\socalcoralreef.com\catalog\includes\modules\vendors_shipping\upsxml.php on line 29


Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required 'includes/classes/xmldocument.php' (include_path='.;c:\Program Files\HSphere\3rdparty\PHP\PHP54\pear') in D:\hshome\a904978\socalcoralreef.com\catalog\includes\modules\vendors_shipping\upsxml.php on line 29

Edited by ralgiere
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The critical error is that last one: you are missing a file. Apparently includes/classes/xmldocument.php was left out of that version of MVS. You can get a copy from the Version 1.2.3 package.


I suggest checking the filename list in the MVS instructions, in case you are missing more than one file.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all,

I have tried everything suggested with no luck. I have also tried removing it, fixing it, reinstalling it and crashs my web site. This is what happens when users like myself have no business doing thing over their head. Does this add-on really work? I have removed all my items to one vender.

Is there programmers on the forum that can fix my problem for a reasonable fee?

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It's being used on several stores that I know of, so yes it actually works. Sorry you weren't up to installing it. You can ask for help on the commercial forum and I'm sure somebody will give you a quote.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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In addition to the MVS missing file(s), the first error message Warning: error_log(/var/log/www/tep/page_parse_time.log): failed to open stream: No such file or directory tells you that you are trying to access directory /var/log/www/ from a Windows server, and there ain't no such place. I see this is in the database configuration table for "Log Destination". Either you can turn off that logging feature, or update the location from /var/log/www/tep/page_parse_time.log to D:\hshome\a904978\socalcoralreef.com\catalog\page_parse_time.log (or something like that). I seem to vaguely recall seeing this discussed at least once before, so you may want to search this forum.

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I have successfully removed the MVS addon. Could someone PLEASE send me a link to the MVS verision that works and any updates.

I will backup my site and try it again.

Thanks Ray

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Every version of MVS on the addons page works, given that you have the correct version of osCommerce to apply it to. You also need to follow the instructions to properly install the addon files.


This is not an easy addon to install, and even the slightest error will cause something to fail. You need to take time and follow all of the steps in the instructions. You should be doing all of the changes on a development site so that you don't wreck your live site in the process. Only move the files to your live site after you have verified that everything is working properly.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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