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osCommerce Online Merchant v2.4.0 Joli Beta

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We're extremely proud to announce the next osCommerce Online Merchant release series is rolling out now starting with the beta release of v2.4.0 Joli! This is a developers release that has a rapid weekly release schedule to finalize the framework API and to build on to the v2.x series with quality production ready releases.


v2.4.0 Joli Beta includes the community led effort by Gary Burton to modernize the frontend with a responsive Bootstrap template called Sail. This not only aims to improve the customer experience on the site frontend to encourage and improve sales, but also on the site backend with a more user intuitive interface to work with the business side of sales.


The OSC\OM framework that was introduced in the v3.0 developer series has been backported and invites developers to start migrating their add-ons to the new self-contained App infrastructure that not only allows for more secure and easier installations of third-party software, but also online installations and updates through the Administration Dashboard (coming in a later beta release). This involves a tight integration into our new App Marketplace that will be launched in the near future.


v2.4.0 will be the only public release of the v2.4 beta series - all weekly updates during the beta phase will be delivered through the online update feature to get the online update feature tested on as many server configurations as possible.


There are still a lot of changes planned during the beta phase that will break the framework API and is the reason for the beta release series. All changes between releases will be documented to keep developers up-to-date and to help them finalize their Apps for the production ready release.


We're committed to Open Source and are continuing our goal of moving from the GPL license to the MIT license. This is the first release in the v2.x series to be completely licensed under the MIT license.


osCommerce Online Merchant v2.4.0 Joli Beta can be downloaded at:




The PayPal for osCommerce Online Merchant App is bundled with this release. The Braintree for osCommerce Online Merchant App can be downloaded separately at:




It will be possible to install and upgrade Apps directly in the Administration Dashboard in an upcoming beta release.


Documentation for this release series is available at:




Discussions on this release series can be found at:




Known issues and bug fixes can be found at:




An online demonstration of v2.4.0 Joli Beta can be found at:




We’d like to thank the community for helping us out with the development of this release and for their continued dedication and support, and especially thank Joli for the good times he shared with all of us in the community. This release series is dedicated to you pal, you will always be remembered.

:heart:, osCommerce

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@@Harald Ponce de Leon


Fantastic stuff Harald, a wonderful tribute to Joli.


I read through the developer notes on Apps and I was wondering if you could give a tutorial on how to prepare an app ready for the upcoming App install routine? File structure, naming etc.

osCommerce user since 2003! :thumbsup:

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@@Harald Ponce de Leon


Hi Harald,


Where is the appropriate place to report bugs and/or issues concerning v2.4.0 Joli Beta?  Just installed, received HTTP ERROR 500 from the frontend.  The error log from admin was giving me PHP Fatal error about /includes/third_party/random_compat/random.php


Cheers, Eddy

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To be more precise, the error message is:

[12-Nov-2016 12:25:16 Asia/Taipei] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'There is no suitable CSPRNG installed on your system' in /home/httpd/vhosts/abc.com/subdomains/abc/httpdocs/includes/third_party/random_compat/random.php:185

and then followed with stack traces.


Thanks, Eddy

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To be more precise, the error message is:

[12-Nov-2016 12:25:16 Asia/Taipei] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'There is no suitable CSPRNG installed on your system' in /home/httpd/vhosts/abc.com/subdomains/abc/httpdocs/includes/third_party/random_compat/random.php:185

and then followed with stack traces.


Thanks, Eddy

Thank you. Please report issues to https://github.com/osCommerce/oscommerce2/issues



osCommerce based shop owner with minimal design and focused on background works. When the less is more.
Email managment with tracking pixel, package managment for shipping, stock management, warehouse managment with bar code reader, parcel shops management on 3000 pickup points without local store.

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I read through the developer notes on Apps and I was wondering if you could give a tutorial on how to prepare an app ready for the upcoming App install routine? File structure, naming etc.



More documentation is coming :thumbsup:


All that is needed is the oscommerce.json metadata file - how the App is structured is entirely your choice. All that matters is the alias to the modules point to the namespace class in your App directory.


Support for the remaining module types (shipping, content, header tags, ..) is coming in the next beta releases.

:heart:, osCommerce

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How will the platform, the theme and the addons upgrade without overwriting modified files ?

OpenCart have VQMod, users write the modifications in a XML file so they can preserve the original files and allow the platform to upgrade safely, I didn't like it, it make customization really a hard work. WordPress have Child theme, it's nice, but they don't have a solution to modify the plugins while preserving the original files.


I like the old OSCommerce way to upgrade the platform and addons, line by line, find and replace, I think 2.4 only need to have a separate theme folder.


Big thanks for the time and efforts to progress

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You should have a look at the BS community version of oscommerce and see the work that has been put into the software so that it is easy to update. There is no need to alter core files. Any addons are built as modules and fit into the pages and system and its easily done by uploading the modules to the correct folder and installing them. They all have an admin page where it is possible to alter the standard settings.


This is all being carried across to the latest official version.


It is so easy. You have to get out of the habit of amending the core files. There is no need. Updating is then just a case of over writing the core files and the latest version is installed. How easier do you want it.


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The online update feature during the beta releases will overwrite any file that is changed between beta releases. This will change to only updating (overwriting) files belonging to the OSC\OM framework once the production ready release is finalized. Once that stage is reached, any updates we need to make to other files (eg, template files) will be documented and will need to be applied manually.


A OSC\Custom namespace exists where core files can be copied to and edited (eg, OSC\Custom\OM\OSCOM, OSC\Custom\OM\Db, ..) - the online update feature will not touch these files so the changes must then be applied manually.

:heart:, osCommerce

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More documentation is coming :thumbsup:


All that is needed is the oscommerce.json metadata file - how the App is structured is entirely your choice. All that matters is the alias to the modules point to the namespace class in your App directory.


Support for the remaining module types (shipping, content, header tags, ..) is coming in the next beta releases.


Will it be possible to automatically remove all the files a module installed with the press of a button? Or will they need to be removed manually?

osCommerce user since 2003! :thumbsup:

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Will it be possible to automatically remove all the files a module installed with the press of a button? Or will they need to be removed manually?

Yes, it will be possible to delete an App entirely in the Admin -> Apps -> Manage page. This will be the recommended way rather than manually deleting the App directory in OSC\Apps and public/Apps, so the App has a way to clean itself with cache files and database tables that were created.

:heart:, osCommerce

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@@Harald Ponce de Leon


Is this default behaviour?


New install of 2.4 (not updated to 2.4.1) and nothing altered or changed


Add item to cart


Press checkout button


Register as new customer with Australian address


checkout_shipping.php shows below as delivery address



osCommerce user since 2003! :thumbsup:

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I know this has been said before, but can we please get rid of the ancient demo products? They may have been fresh and relevant 15 years ago, but now they just make osCommerce look old and tired.
The community has donated a nice selection of new products that are available to use. If you don't want to use those, please find some modern products that you like and use those instead.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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I know this has been said before, but can we please get rid of the ancient demo products? They may have been fresh and relevant 15 years ago, but now they just make osCommerce look old and tired.


The community has donated a nice selection of new products that are available to use. If you don't want to use those, please find some modern products that you like and use those instead.





I agree.

osCommerce user since 2003! :thumbsup:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Did we just reach the system limit of 3000 commits and stopped working on 2.4 beta -or- is this pure coïncidence ?



I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


Find the most frequent unique errors to fix:

grep "PHP" php_error_log.txt | sed "s/^.* PHP/PHP/g" |grep "line" |sort | uniq -c | sort -r > counterrors.txt

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