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The e-commerce.

Stamps.com integration


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Hello everyone. I am setting up oscommerce as the web store for a client of mine. They have been using stamps.com for shipping prior to getting an online presence and luckily I discovered that stamps has integration support for oscommerce. However, after following the stamps.com instructions (located here https://stamps.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1218)I am given the following message upon trying to import orders: "There are no new items for Online Store" (Online Store being the name I assigned to the online store).


I have searched and searched on this subject but cannot for the life of me find a solution. Has anyone here had the same issue and resolved it?

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Does stamps.com say anywhere what osC version this "plug-in" is intended for? For all I know, you're running 2.3.4 and their code is written for osC 2.2. Or vice-versa. If that's the case, it's possible that the plug-in didn't correctly install, or that it simply doesn't work with your level of osC.

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I followed the instructions from the stamps client. I am running osc 2.3. The plugins I've found are only for 2.2 and those aren't going to work. Per the instructions, the stamps client appears to have changed.


Stamps also doesn't provide a "plugin" so to speak, it is just a single file that is uploaded to the admin directory. I know that I shouldn't be making assumptions, but with as much as they update their software I would think that they would support osc 2.3.

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