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Bitcoin module and how to automatically refresh exchange rate?


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Hi. I have wasted many hours try to find out a way to have my shop accepting bitcoins. I really dont have experience with programming so its kinda difficult for me.


I have found a basic module, bitcoin_module, which all it does is adding a payment option with bitcoins. I dont care about creating new addresses etc. I dont mind manually changing the address every now and then. So its fine. i dont need it to be connected with bitcoind.


Now the PROBLEM is that i cannot manage to refresh the exchange rate automatically. I only see the option of manually putting the exchange rate. Is there any way? Cause if there isnt then its useless really. I am seeing some posts saying 'add a cron job' which seems like its something easy although i dont even know what a cron job is and how you add it and how the shop gets info about the price and from which exchange etc....


tl;dr: Is there a way to grab bitcoin price from a specific website and refresh it every few minutes?




Edit: I have managed to press the 'update exchange rate' button and it works. Now the only question is, how do i make this automatically without needing to manually pressing the button?

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