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reCAPTCHA V2 - Looks So Cool


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Anyone integrated recaptcha V2 yet?


Details here: https://support.google.com/recaptcha#6081880scroll down to the V2 Element

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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Been running Recapcha v2 for approx 3 months on 6 medium and high traffic sites (note, only on contact_us, nowhere else) - I have just been informed of the first spam that has gotten through on 1 site.  The other 5 sites are still free of spam!


All I can say is:  well done Google. 

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I don't like this new CAPTCHA. For example, "select every picture showing coffee". OK, is this just the cups of java, or does it include a pile of coffee beans? "Select every picture showing a mountain". OK, there are some low hills in one picture -- does that count as a mountain? "Select every picture showing a waterfall". OK, do some rapids/whitewater in a stream count? The pictures are poorly selected and often ambiguous. There are also too many steps (clicks) before and after selecting the pictures. Maybe it does reduce bot access, but I am finding it a royal pain.

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@@MrPhil, I think you mix-up with another older version.

The new recaptcha v2 does not have any of that, simply tick the "I'm not a robot" box and your are done...


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Well, a lot of people have accused me of being inhuman...   :(


I have encountered this new reCAPTCHA on several sites, none of them osC. Maybe they're using a slightly older version that always goes to the harder questions? This is on the latest Firefox and Chrome browsers, so it's not an oddball browser.

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@@burt Im a robot - images for me after ticking the box

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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@@burt, clicking the "I'm not a robot" box worked for me (no pictures shown). @@Mort-lemur, does the reCAPTCHA sometimes say "I'm a robot" and not "I'm not a robot", or are you just reporting that it still treated you as a possible bot? Anyone notice anything like that? Randomly flipping the meaning like that might work to weed out 50% of the bots right off the top. Adding a second question could reduce the bots getting through to 25% via random guesses/checks. A third would take it down to 1 in 8. That might be a better solution than looking at pictures!


I wonder if I was simply using an older or defective reCAPTCHA v2 on those other sites.

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@@MrPhil seems random, sometimes it accepts me after I tick the box, other times the pictures pop up.

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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Avail as a module for sale?



Been running Recapcha v2 for approx 3 months on 6 medium and high traffic sites (note, only on contact_us, nowhere else) - I have just been informed of the first spam that has gotten through on 1 site.  The other 5 sites are still free of spam!


All I can say is:  well done Google. 

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@@clustersolutions I dont think anyone has made a Free to use module for this version of Recaptcha - Paid for versions are available I believe.

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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Why not just make it avail at an X number of dollars and a simple transaction? I just read through the 29 days of code but I am just interested in one thing that I know for now. I like almond chocolate and I usually just buy that instead of a "box of chocolates." I can replace my ole skool recaptcha...please let me know if you have it available somewhere for purchase and download. Thx! Tim

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Right. Recaptcha-2 is super easy to implement. If you don't know how to do it yourself, there is another simple option - get a hired dev to do it for you.

Sites like upworks.com, freelancer.com and others have many gifted developers who will gladly (and quickly) do the job for quite attractive prices.

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Could I request that this post is not cluttered by commercial spamming :) thank you all....


If I get round to figuring out how to implement this I will post as a FOC addon

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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Got bot check box. Worked fine.

I am not a professional webmaster or PHP coder by background or training but I will try to help as best I can.

I remember what it was like when I first started with osC. It can be overwhelming.

However, I strongly recommend considering hiring a professional for extensive site modifications, site cleaning, etc.

There are several good pros here on osCommerce. Look around, you'll figure out who they are.

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I got pictures of food. Now I'm hungry. Bah.


Works fine, but it always thinks I'm a bot. I have no idea what criteria it uses. Maybe it's trying to tell me something....




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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