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Where do I find the "New Products For..." line and how to remove it?


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Hi. I've managed to change the indexpage to show random items instead of the latest additions, (thanks to this forum), but now I still have the "New Products For October" line at the top. I want to remove that completely, or replace it with another text, but I can't find it anywhere. Where does that thing live? Thanks in advance.

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Try commenting out this line in index.php....I think it's what you want.  In my version it was on line 93.





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All text in a particular language should be found in one of the <language>/.../<filename>.php definition files. Familiarize yourself with a global text search tool such as "grep" (Linux systems) or "findstr" (Windows boxes). You can search either on the site itself, or on your PC's backup copy (unzipped). This will tell you the "macro" name (e.g., NEW_PRODUCTS_FOR) and the language file it is defined in. You can then search for (e.g.) NEW_PRODUCTS_FOR and see what file(s) are invoking it. You can then either just comment out where it's used, if it's a stray heading, or comment out a call to (e.g.) new_products.php that you no longer want there. If the text define string is no longer used, you can leave it alone, or comment it out (leaving it available for the future). Don't erase it, as you're sure to want it again at some point.

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