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Help with templates


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ive got a site that ive had for about a year and have added some contributions too: www.figurebox.co.uk ive decided it looks a bit out dated and wanted to change the way it looks without starting over completely and loosing everything ive put into it so far. I feel like ive looked at every template out there and now ive seen so many i dont know what i want. I have found a site that is oscommerce http://www.morrina.com/index.phpand i like the way it looks and was hoping somone could identify the template for me or tell me how i can get my boxes to look like this site has with background images rather than just colours.

Also while looking at templates i kept coming across the terms responsive and bootstrap oscommerce i was hoping someone could explain the difference between regular oscommerce platform and the responsive?

thanks for any help.


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There are sponsors here who sell templates - just have a look in that section - the advantage will be that you have a template coded to standards, and you will have more chance of getting support here if you buy one of those. Click on the links in my sig for info about responsive osCommerce.

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tell me how i can get my boxes to look like this site has with background images rather than just colours.

If it's just a matter of displaying fixed background images rather than colors, that should be possible by manually editing the CSS file(s) being used, to add a background-image property. If you're looking to have a background image that changes with the product, or whatever, that would require some coding.


Also while looking at templates i kept coming across the terms responsive and bootstrap oscommerce i was hoping someone could explain the difference between regular oscommerce platform and the responsive?


"Regular" osCommerce 2.3.4 (you shouldn't be starting with anything older) is a nonresponsive, nonadaptive layout. It's more or less fixed in layout, positions, sizes, etc. There is a community-supported "Bootstrap" version available which uses CSS and Javascript to adapt itself (layout, sizes) to various display sizes (from smartphone up to desktop) and input capabilities (mouse versus swipe, etc.). While "unofficial", Bootstrap is expected to be the basis of the official 2.4 (there might be a 2.3.5 first, but no word on whether it will be responsive).

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  • 3 months later...

Hello, guys! I am new to this forum too, and I need your guidance as well. I have a template from a well known template website. I want to install it now and customise it a little. Can you please tell me where to start from?

Edited by burt
remove external link who provide out of date templates.
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@@jefde 3rd party products are not supported on the forum, you have to ask the template seller for help


You would do better by purchasing something from the osCommerce partners, since they support osCommerce

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