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Postcode Formatting


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That's difficult, as there is no way to know what should be capitalised in a name (in all circumstances).  


Most names, go:

Mickey Mouse => capital at start of each name


Some names, go:

Ronald McDonald => extra capital D


Other names, go:

Harald Ponce de Leon => small d on one of the words


and so on.  


Your thoughts?




That's difficult, as there is no way to know what should be capitalised in a name (in all circumstances).  


Most names, go:

Mickey Mouse => capital at start of each name


Some names, go:

Ronald McDonald => extra capital D


Other names, go:

Harald Ponce de Leon => small d on one of the words


and so on.  


Your thoughts?


@@14steve14, @@burt,


There is the old sloppy word cleaner which approached this and could be a starting point. But it needs for sure some updates and optimizations.



I added "ucwords" into my code years ago to uppercase the words I wanted.  Here's part of address_book_process to show what I've done.  There are more files that need this to work completely, but this gives you the idea.

    $firstname = tep_db_prepare_input(ucwords($_POST['firstname']));
    $lastname = tep_db_prepare_input(ucwords($_POST['lastname']));
    $street_address = tep_db_prepare_input(ucwords($_POST['street_address']));
    if (ACCOUNT_SUBURB == 'true') $suburb = tep_db_prepare_input(ucwords($_POST['suburb']));
    $postcode = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['postcode']);
    $city = tep_db_prepare_input(ucwords($_POST['city']));

I'm not really a dog.


Our customers use desktop or smart phones but sometimes slugish to type the correct words.


The best is autofill shipping modules but not all method is usable by this way (only pre defined pickup points).


I say that it would be better to add order hook tabs where admin could edit something. Orders tab could use both of .js codes and php scripts. Google maps tab could help to everybody see the phisical places. And admin could send immediately confirm letters with edited data.


osCommerce based shop owner with minimal design and focused on background works. When the less is more.
Email managment with tracking pixel, package managment for shipping, stock management, warehouse managment with bar code reader, parcel shops management on 3000 pickup points without local store.


There was an addon here that dealt with it quite well, but its not been updated recently, or may be something could be done to improve it without making it too complicated.




I cut and paste my delivery addresses from the admin edit page so if the addresses were correct in the first place it would save so much time and effort. It also currently looks bad, in my opinion, when the address on the invoice or packing slips is not right. It does not really convey a proffessional image to customers.


@@Gergely  Glad to hear that its not just my lazy customers with smart phones that cant be bothered to use upper and lower case. Its almost as bad as not using correct or nearly correct punctuation in anything wrote on a snmall device. Whlst there is nothing ewe can do with that, we must simply be able to do something with the address.





I'm like you Steve and it used to bother me a lot so I did this around 2007 and it's worked very well.  While ucwords requires changing some core code, it is very easy to todo and works well. The code below for instance will output

Small Letters
Ronald McDonald

So, it works with McDonald as entered.  It's core php code http://www.php.net/ucwords

$foo = 'small letters';
$foo = ucwords($foo);
echo "<br> " . $foo. " <br>";

$bar = 'ronald McDonald';
$bar = ucwords($bar);
echo "<br> " . $bar. " <br>";

I'm not really a dog.


Addressing is always a problem - especially when using PP Express to populate the address fields - a lot of people have incomplete addresses on paypal.


Also some have way out of date addresses - I have more than once delivered something to the PP address and have the customer phone and say they moved 5 years ago ..... suppose I should keep tabs on the movements of everyone in the country..... (w00t)

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.


Discussion Point:


If customers cannot be bothered to type their details correctly, should we be bothered to correct them?


@@burt Yes, because if we don't correct them we will be accused of sending things to the incorrect address or RM may have problems making the delivery. Its easier to have the system do it on the create account page rather than print and post invoices that are not correct. I currently sit down first thing in the morning and sort out new customers information. Mainly its a case of sorting and checking spelling and capitalization, but its funny some time when customers get the address completely different to those on the RM postcode address lookup pages. Saying that I wish there was a way to see customers other address book entries easily, as they should also be corrected.


I think that means checks will also need to be done on many other pages also, which may be a pain, but once coded they will not need to changed or altered so no extra work apart from the initial coding. This is why I think it needs to something that is simple. If an addon is made to carry out improved checks that is all well and good as long as the add is like a module and no or minimal code changes.


@@Mort-lemur (Totally off topic) I sent an item to an eBay customer last week, received an email from him saying that he had given the wrong address. It was sent to the verified paypal address. I later had to sort out a refund for item not received even though I sent the email to eBay resolution and spoke to customer services, and I still lost my money, and my product, even though the customer admitted it was his mistake. I shall be reviewing selling on eBay in the very near future.



@@burt yes defenetly if it leads invalid ecommerce contract but not in registration page due to paypal accounts and another inputs. Do it on backend side before the delivery!


Some marketing expert forbid me to do registration validation because a deterrent validation cause higher lost customer numbers.

osCommerce based shop owner with minimal design and focused on background works. When the less is more.
Email managment with tracking pixel, package managment for shipping, stock management, warehouse managment with bar code reader, parcel shops management on 3000 pickup points without local store.


So, I'm guessing no one likes my "ucwords" idea?


A lot of customers key info in lower case.  Most people key their address info in correctly and Fedex will correct most errors when we key that in, but I don't get many.  However, fedex (all lower case) will charge $11 per box they have to correct in the field and I charge the customer for that.  It's in my TOS and Shipping pages.  No one has ever challenged it but it's a rare charge. 

I'm not really a dog.


A surprisingly large number of customers will input the wrong address. No unit number or street number/ wrong postcode sometimes even the wrong suburb.

I send through a shipping company which checks any address I send them. Well post code suburb check against Aust Post data base.

However it can't pick up a missing unit number or street number. I have to check this manually in the shipping system.

Would love to find a way to warn if a street number is missing but of course it would be tricky because sometimes we have 1/2 something street

or house name and street or 24 street or

gamble and co so and so street

or floor 2 level bla bla so I have never been able to think of a way to do it.


The only time I have managed to wipe out address errors was when I used one of the paid for address selectors - but now PP Express would over ride any address entred.

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted · Hidden by burt, November 1, 2015 - nothing to do with postcodes
Hidden by burt, November 1, 2015 - nothing to do with postcodes

Sloppy words cleaner updated



-- v1.7
= Parameter "CHARSET" added to all functions for compatibility with 2.3.4 (BS and standard) utf8 encoding.
    Uses the character set defined in language file, so compatibility with all encodings.
= filename definition removed and filename hardcoded
= added parameter "true" to $firstname and $lastname in all modified files
= support added for PayPal express checkout version 4 included in PayPal APP option "checkout without account"

Works with all OsCommerce versions


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