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Multiple Selections for one product


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I am trying to set up a small restaurant online ordering menu.

I need to be able to offer Multiple Selections for hamburger, etc.

Such as lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, mustard, pickle.

People often want to pick specific items for their burgers.

I would be grateful for any help, I cannot figure out how to do it with the drop down boxes.

There are too many options. Radio buttons?

Lost newbie here..


Thank you

Paula Brown

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Yes, indeed. Let lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, and etc be the options and their attributes would just be yes/no. You probably will need to change the dropdown to checkbox. Get the dropdowns to work first, then convert them to checkboxes. Radio button perhaps would work for yes/no, but since it is either/or so you shouldn't use it for options as I do like all the fixings in my burger. I think that should do it...Si?


Oh, someone may chime in there may already be an add-on that you can modify to use...I am zero on addons...

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I would recommend to install this Addon to add Options easier.


then maybe this one here to change the dropdowns to radio buttons.


then as clustersolution already mentioned a yes/no selection for all the burger options could be a good solution.

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Anything is possible.


Have a look at @@mattjt83 Sweetness&Light site and choose the "make your own" from the category dropdown menu.  

His box = Your Pizza Base

His Chocolates = Your toppings


There are 4 or 5 cutting edge osCommerce sites in existence and Matts is one of them.


Note that this post does not really help you in your needs, other than to show what is possible with osCommerce.

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