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Attribute Order in OSC 2.3.4


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Hello all.


I have my site up and running w/o any known errors.  However, I have been unable to control the sort order for my attributes for a few products.  Is there a way to control the order of product attributes w/o an addon?  My other site, which has many more products, seems to list the attributes in the order in which I have added them... and my site in question seems to want to list them "out of order" no matter how I enter the attributes or assign them to the product.


I would like to keep my V2.3.4 as clean as possible (i.e. without a ton of addons).  


I have a product that has a base version, then the customer can add according to their needs certain attributes, each commanding an additional price to be added to the base item...


What controls the order of attribute listing when on the product page?


thanks in advance


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