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how to increase the appearance of the website?


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Good morning everybody,


Firstly thank you for any help that you can give me in advance.


I am looking at decreasing the amount of white space around the border of my website. http://www.aonetools.co.uk


I would hopefully like to have another full columns width in the centre of the page in which would 'push out' the rest of the site and hopefully fill the white space area.


If anyone could me with this I would be very grateful, we are currently using v2.3.3





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Your version of oscommerce is built using the 960 grid system which means that the site is 960 pixels wide. Even if you could figure out how to add another column the site will still be the same width.


What you need to do is to read up on the 960 grid system and then use a fluid grid. There are some posts in this forum, but there will be a lot more information on the web.


Your other alternative is to update to the latest community bootstrap edition which is a full width site and is mobile friendly.


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or add a background picture using something like this in your stylesheet:

body{background:#f5f5f5 url('/images/background1.jpg') no-repeat fixed center top;}

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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You can check the partner solutions, there are 2 options available


- go responsive with your existing store (mini template system). You can set the width of your store to any pixel value or to 100% easily in admin

- switch to the BS version (osCtemplates)

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You can check the partner solutions, there are 2 options available


- go responsive with your existing store (mini template system). You can set the width of your store to any pixel value or to 100% easily in admin

- switch to the BS version (osCtemplates)


Please note that the "BS Version" referred to by @@multimixer is not a partner solution.  It is freely available and was put together by the community, and is supported by the community.  

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