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Moving from one webhotel to another


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I assume you mean web HOST, consult with the new host on details; Then make a transition plan to move your files, database, and update your dns etc....

pay attention to the PHP/MySQL version you are moving from/to... if they are different you may need to address random issues


Best to keep the old site up and running until the new site tests out ok.... then make the DNS move


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@@nhf.dk If this is a live shop (e.g,, taking orders) then you need to be careful how this is done. Some hosts (fewer and fewer nowadays) will more it for you. But very few will care how protecting your database or setting up the configure files afterwards. So however it is moved, I suggest testing it using the IP as a url first to make sure it is working correctly. If it is, then block the live shop, copy the database again and change the DNS. If it isn't a live shop and you don't mind the possibility of it being down while problems are worked through, then just making the move, however you do it, is fine.

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