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I just came up here on a hint given to me in another forum.

I need to set up a very special shop I have never seen before in the Internet, so there might be no complete solution for that. So what do I need:


People will visit my shop to buy PDF-Documents. These are highly protected by different rights (copyrights, publishing rights etc.). So it will be neccessary to add some personal customer information into the PDF before he can download the file - eg: "This is the personal copy of Mr. Thomas Müller, Frankfurt, Germany" on every page.


Meanwhile I found FPDI, a PHP class which should be able to do this.


Has everybody done anything like that before? Is anybody in the community able to setup such a shop - I am looking foreward finding a person located in germany for this project. I could do it by myself, but I am too busy working on the PDF docs ... it will take years if I do both by myself ...

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@@clustersolutions: The PDF's contain only few text, but much more graphics and special characters from special fonts. It is definitely not possible to put them together with LaTex - you need specialised and expensive Software for this. It's a hell of work to generate them and so they are not sold for 1.99€ each ... 


@@wHiTeHaT: Of course this looks easy on the first sight, but it must be implemented into the shop software including a couple of safety procedures (eg. redownload if file gets broken oder lost). This requires a close communication between me and the programmer - so he/she should be german. According to some legal requirements the programmer should also be sitting in germany. Sorry, I don't want to be forced to place a legal dispute on the "Netherlands Antilles" ...  ;)

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@@bobro, gotcha...but I do use jpg, barcode and etc. in my latex pdf and also these folks are in Germany...but I get you...



@@clustersolutions: The PDF's contain only few text, but much more graphics and special characters from special fonts. It is definitely not possible to put them together with LaTex - you need specialised and expensive Software for this. It's a hell of work to generate them and so they are not sold for 1.99€ each ... 

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Sorry, I have to admit: it is generally possible. Some guys tried to import the PDF's into LaTeX-files but finally failed. And it is possible to "code" the files completely in LaTeX - but this will take years ... and I don't mean that figuratively ...

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