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htaccess admin login


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I recently upgraded to 2.3.4 Gold. I set up .htaccess/.htpasswd as an extra level of security. Now the .htaccess login pop-up appears twice. If I comment out the lines in the .htaccess file no pop-ups appear. Any idea why there are the pop-up comes up twice?

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I noticed this, without SSL on admin the popup appears once, assuming you have the same username/pwd for htaccess and admin.


with SSL the popup appears twice.


if the username/pwd for htaccess and admin are different then the popup will always appear twice.


assuming we are talking about the same observation!



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You have to make sure that you enter the admin address exactly is it needs to be in the browser, otherwise there will be a popup for every redirect.


So you have to take into account whether you have http or https; www or non-www when entering your URL

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