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Checkout confirmation page redirects to checkout_payment Php 5.4 OS V2.2rc2a


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Hi guys I have a website www.myrc.com.au which was working fine until Sunday just gone.  Normally when Oscommerce stops working or breaks, a quick search off google can resolve the problem however this time I cannot find a fix :(  I have been using Oscommerce since 2008 and love this software :)



The problem:


1. During checkout the customer is prompted for their payment (checkout_payment.php) (I have 3 methods). 


2. After they select continue, the checkout confirmation page (checkout_confirmation.php) is shown. 


3. When they press confirm the user is redirected back to the Payment information page with the error "Please select a payment method for your order" ?????


4. If the user re-selects the payment type and presses continue, again the checkout confirmation page is shown. But this time if the user presses confirm then the order is placed.



Also another error occurs in that the SOLD TO information is not filled in!  Only the SHIP TO address is completed?



When testing I noted that if the user is on the payment page, selects payment and continue and then on the checkout confirmation presses Back.  Then the user can select Payment type again, and continue and then can confirm order and this goes straight through without a payment error redirect.  The SOLD TO address however is still not completed?




I have version 2.2rc2a and I have patched it several times to keep it running etc;)


It looks like my webhost updated PHP from version 5.3 to 5.4 on Sunday and my gut tells me that it is this that .   ServoInfo.php shows Build Date Jul 13 2015 11:38:13




Additional info.  There is no error_log produced either in my catalog or admin folder.


I will continue to google for a fix and if I do find a solution I will post back.



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Sounds like session problems.  That would be the first place to look.


Also, your site now gives a 500 Internal Server Error - which could be linked to the upgrade.


I'd suggest that you need to upgrade to a more modern osc:

The one you have 9 versions out of date...

10 if you include the Community Built Responsive.

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Yes thanks for this.  I am looking at 2.3.4 Gold and testing it atm.


I don't mind buying a new template, but I just need to convert my old 2.2 rc.a database to the new 2.3.4.


I am googling links now but if you have a good link please post below.

Thankyou for responding to me :)


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Hey Burt just a quick email to say thanks. I spent the last 2 nights re-reading the forums and checking out OS 2.3.4 Catalog (or core) version, and the bootstrap responsive OS 2.3.4 and OS 2.3.4 GOLD versions.  I love the PC/Tablet/smartphone responsive OS 2.3.4 GOLD version and through my googling realize that you had a lot to do with this so thanks a lot.  Not sure how you do this and work, but I hope you also have your own shop and are making a few dollars.  Mate your efforts are appreciated. 


When I installed OS 2.3.4 gold, I was looking to see how I would get Nav bar, or shopping cart etc and then noted the modules, content, header tags etc which can be installed - very very nice:)   Last year I used Prestashop for a friends store and although it had a lot of functionality it was slow as.  OS 2.3.4 gold is fast and responsive and well .... Gold :)


I now find myself wanting to put add-ons to get my new site back to where I was.  I had over 30 add-ons however I fear that this left some backdoors open.  I still need to put some add-ons like basic internet bank transfer, batch order processing etc but this time I will take my time to review all code and not blindly install.



Also with the transition from OS 2.2 RC2a -> OS 2.3.4 Bootstrap responsive, and with 30 addons my database HAD heaps of extra tables and extra fields in tables.  I read some people used their existing database and some used scripts to modify their old database to new database, however I went the other way.  I simply used the new OS 2.3.4 Bootstrap database and exported all my customer and products and order data into the new database. The key here is to match the fieldnames in each table and export using the REPLACE function such that when you import you simply REPACE the old database values into the new database fields.  This means if the field changed size of type it doesn't matter as it simply takes the value.  This is the post I followed http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/369330-any-easy-way-to-move-customer-from-22-rc2a-to-231/


Although I did like product cost in the product table and wonder why it wasnt' included in 2.3.4BS Gold?




One last question Bart.  Do you know whether OS 2.3.4 Gold has been tested against a multiple of SQL injection attacks.  I assume yes.  I am asking as today I was reviewing my server logs and I had two IPs have a crack at the site.  One IP was using /product_info.php?products_id=999999.9+union+all+select+0x313032 to gain access somehow.  I tested this injection and all good.


btw I am in Brisbane Australia and noted that that IP was a Telstra internet user in Melbourne so I copied the logs and email the host.  Hope the f$#ker gets reprimanded :)




Brisbane Australia

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