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Problem with FedEx webservices module - Need Help


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I admit I don't know what I am doing and may have messed up.


I have 2 shipping modules installed. The FedEx module was missing the radio button so I thought that the patch might have been the issue and I tried to go back to the full package install by overwriting the 2 patch files with the original files - catalog/includes/modules/shipping/fedexwebservices.php and catalog/includes/library/fedex-common.php5. Still no radio button.


So I replaced the patch from the clean zip file version and got this error message:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class fedexwebservices in /home/content/c/a/n/canyonlighting/html/lightsupply/store/catalog/includes/modules/shipping/fedexwebservices.php on line 9


This is line 9:

class fedexwebservices {
 var $code, $title, $description, $icon, $sort_order, $enabled, $tax_class, $fedex_key, $fedex_pwd, $fedex_act_num, $fedex_meter_num, $country;

Can anyone help please?


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I tried to overwrite the files but that didn't work. Thinking about restoring the database and adding the FedEx code and doing the setup again but am waiting to hear from my client as we may have to re-enter some of the catalog info. Is this what you are talking about?

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@@aviscat, your error has nothing to do with the database. You could have two active shipping modules and both are trying to create the class fedexwebservices; hence, the conflict. If you are on a ssh terminal, try this...


grep fedexwebservices *.php


the idea is to search through all the php files in the shipping modules folder and the command should only return one file that creates the fedexwebservices class.


Look through the error log, and you may find additional errors that may point you in the right direction. Yeah, separated the reentering catalog info with this Fedex issue. You probably would want to find out the cause of this error b4 moving on...you don't want to have to redo everything and the error is still there.


Also, is the fedex shipping module you're using current an being supported? We used fedex (until there were problems with insurance and lost packages) and I remember a lot of modifications were made to make it work...WSDL and XML are ringing a bell...so make sure that your module is up-to-date...


Let me know which fedex addon you are using and I can probably tell you if it is up-to-date...

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