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SSL or NONSSL on all the page


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Just a question, what do you think to insert all ssl on the catalog ?

Until checkout, all the pages are not ssl. Now than Google identify if the site has ssl, it's not better to include all the page in ssl ?


What is your opinion ?


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It's not a problem. I run all pages in https. It's your choice. My personal feeling is that there is a slight visible SEO benefit. I implemented this about a month ago and have an improving SEO position, but have been making other changes at the same time, which probably carry more weight.

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Google has stated that they will start penalizing non-SSL pages over time (all other things being equal, an SSL page will rank higher than a non-SSL page). The effect will be small and is just starting to be phased in, so don't expect a big boost in SEO results.


For a site which has no sensitive information, of course it's overkill to have it under SSL. There is extra processing time needed on both ends (server and browser) to encrypt and decrypt the content, which has to be paid for. However, if a site would be a mixture of SSL and non-SSL pages, it may be worth it to go all SSL and avoid jumping in and out of SSL.

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Your response @@MrPhil is interesting  and maybe for osc it will be better to have only option than two option currently NONSSL on catalog and SSL checkout process.


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Contact me @gyakutsuki for an answer on the forum


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