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The e-commerce.

Import Pages from Wordpress


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We have a client who has a WordPress site with 150 pages cached in Google, who's getting a lot of organic traffic.

They want a shop added to the site, but the amount of product variations rules out Woocommerce (and WP in general). I've recommend they use OSC and I'm searching for something that will import the existing pages, either as xml or csv.

Anyone got any ideas?

Thanks in advance

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By "pages" do you mean wordpress (information) pages or wordpress (blog) posts ?


Are these "pages" to be turned into what osCommerce called "products" or are they to stay as information pages (in osCommerce instead of wordpress).

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"A lot of organic traffic" -- I probably wouldn't touch the WP pages unless you are confident in what you are  doing with SEO. WP by default is easier to carry out SEO tasks, and has plugins readily available. Just continue on building the organic traffics and build the cart around it I would suggest...mucho product variations =  a need for a good filter...so you would need to "hack" your own here or there are carts (I favor Magento) out there that have better support in that...good luck!



We have a client who has a WordPress site with 150 pages cached in Google, who's getting a lot of organic traffic.

They want a shop added to the site, but the amount of product variations rules out Woocommerce (and WP in general). I've recommend they use OSC and I'm searching for something that will import the existing pages, either as xml or csv.

Anyone got any ideas?

Thanks in advance

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