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Need Help With Shipping Module - FedEX


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My client has decided to use FexEd for shipping. Can anyone point me to an addon for FedEx that works with osCommerce v2.3.3?


In addition he wants to be able to do the following:


For orders totalling up to $749.99 he wants to use the standard FedEx shipping by weight.


For orders totally between $750.00 to $1499.99 he wants to charge 10% for shipping (i.e. for an $800.00 order shipping would cost $80.00)


For orders totalling $1500.00 and up shipping will be FREE.


Can anyone help with this?

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My client has decided to use FexEd for shipping. Can anyone point me to an addon for FedEx that works with osCommerce v2.3.3?


In addition he wants to be able to do the following:


For orders totalling up to $749.99 he wants to use the standard FedEx shipping by weight. -use FedEx module  ​


For orders totally between $750.00 to $1499.99 he wants to charge 10% for shipping (i.e. for an $800.00 order shipping would cost $80.00) use flat rate module​


For orders totalling $1500.00 and up shipping will be FREE. use a free shipping module


Can anyone help with this?


you would then need to code the dollar range where each method is available.... should be fairly simple to do. If you are not comfortable with that you could hire a developer for not too much moola. For example in the FedEx module something like this may work.


in the //class methods you would need       global $order, $cart;          and then something like

      if ( $cart->show_total() <= 750 ){
      return $this->quotes;
        return false;


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"you would then need to code the dollar range where each method is available.... should be fairly simple to do. If you are not comfortable with that you could hire a developer for not too much moola. For example in the FedEx module something like this may work."


Would you be able to do this easily?



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Maria, I am not a developer, but just hack a bit here and there. When something over my head needs doing I hire one of the friendly developers found on these forums. Try here http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/tracker/


Remember, commercial solicitation is not permitted on these boards. For what you are needing done above will be quite minimal cost.


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I was able to find a Percent Rate module that covers the 10% and FREE shipping. I added that along with instructions for the customer to pick the option for their order. If they don't do it right my client will bill them accordingly. Thanks to all who added their input.

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