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looking charge a fee on paypal or credits


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I am looking to add a charge to just paypal and a charge to just authorize.net aim module. Where would I go to add this charge? I have looked in express.php and paypal_express.php If you can tell me where I would go to add it in on the one I should be able to figure out the rest. I just need to add a small fee in to to the total.  The rest I can figure out. Any pointers or help would be appreicated. I am not looking for a module just simple code to add to. I know its somewhere I am just not sure what file. I can do simple math like $value+5.00; I just need to know where to add it.



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Hi - I can't think of a way of doing that in the payment module that would not look weird / make the order totals look screwed to a customer.


You could take the order total module for low order fee and edit that instead in some way or have a look at http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/3067- it is a bit old and would need tweaking but (at first glance) it may do what you need

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Note that some payment systems forbid your adding a service charge only to them, in their terms of service. Whether or not this is legally enforceable is a matter of dispute, but they could make life miserable for you if they choose (or at least, kick you off). So at least be aware of this before you start.

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Note that some payment systems forbid your adding a service charge only to them, in their terms of service. Whether or not this is legally enforceable is a matter of dispute, but they could make life miserable for you if they choose (or at least, kick you off). So at least be aware of this before you start.


For a long time, it has been forbidden to add a fee for, say, paying with a credit card. So, a very common solution is to always add in the additional fee, and then offer a 'cash discount'.


(Just like TV stations can not turn the volume up for commercials. So, instead, they turn the volume -down- for the programs)


Just saying ...



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Thank you everyone. I ended up coding something stuff in on ot_total.php and ot_shipping.php Its really not so much the credit card I just needed to know a little bit more how the code worked. Turns out if I use >> global $order, $cart etc... I can get everything that I need to popup and match on the numbers and charge a fee that way. The cart is setup in a crazy way and it has free shipping on orders over $50.00 except certain items. However some of these items are very big and do require shipping. So I just did a simple php match if equals this number or that add $ so much. Thats really what I was looking to do on my final outcome.

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