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The e-commerce.

Mail Invoice

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Topic should be Email Invoice;




Does any one know of a simple addon that will allow an invoice to be emailed, and included in that email our GST number.


Just something real simple,like  have the facility that when an order is placed and confirmed an email Invoice button appears , so as the purchaser can download an invoice for there order. Maybe there's a reason why this isn't standard oscommerce.






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There are several available in the addons area, but I suspect you have already looked at these.






I personally use an older version of the fancier invoice and packing slip mod without the email to sender code in the later versions because it just wasnt needed. Whether it works in the newer versions I have no real idea. I have modified the invoice code further so it looks better in my eyes which was easy to do.


There are also some print invoice mods on the customer side which allows the customer to select whether to print the invoice or not. They do not appear to have been updated any where, so may need a bit of work.


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I'm using The "PDF Customer Invoice" - contribution 5321 mentioned @@14steve14 above with BS234 and it seems to work quite well - it was simple to modify the invoice format to add our ABN number and the customers can get a PDF copy of their invoice by logging into their account.

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Hi Steve


Still mucking around with this,


"I personally use an older version of the fancier invoice and packing slip mod.."


Are you running BS234. I wouldn't have a clue or know where to start to convert this addon to BS.





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On my test site I hacked the invoice code about on a version of this addon which did not have any of the send a pdf invoice to the customers automatically. Most of the addon is in the admin area so needs very little changing. I seem to remember that the code on the customer side was easy to add to bootstrap as it was really only a button. I think that the actual invoice may need a bit of alteration, but as its a print or save type thing, how it looks on the mobile device is not really that important.


To be honest most of my customers never even use it as I always send an invoice with the order instead of the packing slip or delivery notes, but if you are going towards doing it digitally you will need something. May be if you contacted a good developer on here they may have something that works already and is better than the free addons available and wont cost that much. It will do exactly what you want it too. Try posting the the paid for help area. It may save messing your site up with code changes.


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