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Shopping Cart Box Covered Up/New Products Removal


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When I added the store logo pic it was bigger than the standard size. This caused the Cart Contents, Checkout and My Account links on the right side to cover up the top of the Shopping Cart box. Can anyone tell me where I can adjust that so that the Shopping Cart isn't covered up?




Is there any easy way to remove the New Products for ... or can someone direct me to the code that puts the New Products for ...  there so I can remove it? My client wants to put a picture there in its place. I know that I can add the picture to the Welcome page so that isn't really a problem. I just need to remove the What's New section.


I figured out the New Products removal.

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Re your image in the header. You need to increase the height of the header in your stylesheet.css file.


Look for

#header {
  height: 60px;


Change the height to that of the height of the image you used for your header image and all should fit. Remember to login to the site to check once the additional header button is shown.  You may need to change the width of your image if it all does not fit.


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