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Hide 'add to cart' button when prices read 0.00


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I apologise now but I am new to OScommerce, I have looked through the threads but have not found one that fits what I am looking for. 


I am working on a site that has a range of products, each available in multiple colours and sizes. 


My question is: 


When the price appears as 0.00 for one of these options (ie. Red XL) is there a way of only hiding the 'add to cart' button when this specific option is selected, instead of the whole product which is what I have managed at the moment. 


The code i am using to achieve this is:


if((($PACKPRICE <= 0.01) || ($UNITPRICE <= 0.01) || ($CASEPRICE <= 0.01)) && ($numSPECIAL <= 0.01) ) {
echo "<div style='float:right; margin-top:-15px;'><p>Product not available<br>Please contact Customer Service</p></div>";
} else { 
<span class="buttonAction"><?php echo tep_draw_hidden_field('products_id', $product_info['products_id']) . tep_draw_button(IMAGE_BUTTON_IN_CART, 'cart', null, 'primary'); ?></span>
Any help would be appeciated, even just a point in the right direction. 
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I suggest you install QTPro. It doesn't hide the add to cart button but prevents it from being used if the quantity of the selected attribute is 0.

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