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Trying to find SQL Feild Names? PhPmyAdmin Help


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Hi Gals & Gals,


I am using 'Easy Populate' but my database now has too many fields for excel to open and unfortunately one of the fields I want to easy populate is not shown. Therefore I want to be able to find the correct title so I can create a new easy populate file to update that said field.


From my osc admin, the field that needs filling is called Product Page Sub Text, I just don't know how to find this within phpmyadmin to ensure the exact field name to use within easy populate eg v_products_name_1


Hope that's clear and blabbing on...lol



Complete Newbie On The Learn - Not A Programmer

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What is the limit for Excel (opening a CSV file, I presume)? How many do you have? It sounds like you might have gone overboard in adding or defining fields. Is this file provided by another party, or are you creating it?


When you say "database", are you talking about the CSV file, or an actual MySQL (or other) database? If it's an actual database,

you would open your database in phpMyAdmin (or the equivalent for other databases), select the table, and click on the Structure tab (I think that's the name). It should list all the fields and their details. I can't tell you what the mapping of names from MySQL to CSV to Easy Populate looks like. If you don't have something like phpMyAdmin to look at the database, command-line MySQL (and other databases) provide SQL commands to list the fields in a table. I think the command in MySQL is SHOW (or maybe LIST). Google is your friend -- there are online references.


On the other hand, if you're talking about a CSV file, just open it in any editor. It's human readable. The first row should contain the field names.

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What is the limit for Excel (opening a CSV file, I presume)? - Yes Sorry that is what I meant


How many do you have? - Not sure tbh as not yet been able to open a full file


It sounds like you might have gone overboard in adding or defining fields. Is this file provided by another party, or are you creating it? - The amount of fields is due to using header tags seo & inserting quite a few fields within product information purposes.


When you say "database", are you talking about the CSV file, or an actual MySQL (or other) database? I was meaning on how to find the field within phpmyadmin in the actual database, so that I could then create a new easy populate file with just the one column (that of the field of which name I am seeking).


Its within the database structure that I am seeking the name of the field. I know what field is called from within OSC, but when looking at the structure tab within phpmyadmin I cant see anything that resembles it. I think its because the field I am looking for is based within the headertags seo addonn.


Never even thought of opening the csv file in anything but excel, and sods law now that that has been suggested my daft host keeps timing out when I try to download a complete csv through easy populate.


Thanks for the input, will keep trying to download a full csv as clearly it is the place that I will find the field in question and will have the exact field name.

Complete Newbie On The Learn - Not A Programmer

But Learning As I Go

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If the full CSV file is too large to download to your PC and examine in an editor, I wonder if you'll be able to use it with Easy Populate. It might have to be split into smaller files (duplicating the first header row). I suspect you're doing something "unnatural" if you end up with that many fields (columns), but an expert on Easy Populate would have to speak on that.


Anyway, if you have the CSV file on a Linux server, there is a command to grab the first few lines of the file, which should be downloadable so you can read it. On the command line, head -3 CSVfile > headerFile should create a new file 'headerFile' that should be quite small. If you don't have command line access to Linux, such as through SSH, you should be able to set up a "cron" job with that command, and run it just once.


The Linux head and tail commands are one way to break up a large file into multiple smaller files. The cat command can be used to glue a header line back on to each fragment. I'm sure there are many other ways to do this, too.

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@@MrPhil I think he is saying it won't open because there are too many columns. Only recent versions of Excel, to my knowledge, don't have a limit on the columns.


@@toyzonline You can use the "Export EP or Froogle Products File" option and don't check the attributes option. That will significantly reduce the number of columns in the feed, assuming you use those. Or, you can just select the one field you want and download a file with just it listed.

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Hi Gals & Gals,



my database now has too many fields for excel to open

A "field" in a database is synonymous with "columns", the number of distinct items in a row, or columns in a CSV. That's how I was interpreting this statement. If the OP meant "data items" (fields x rows) is too large for Excel, that's a bit different.

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